Wednesday 31 August 2016

Hello Cookiesnaps

I keep seeing you flirting with me, but I can’t spend points to send you a message because you have blocked using the Top Fan to see your profile and send you messages. So leave me a comment on my sti_ Frederica:Why does he have a bottom locker?(24 August 2016) Frederica:There’s a top locker above him he [...]

If a girl your don't know asks how old you are?
(30 August 2016)

Was she interested or something, or why was she asking that?
(30 August 2016)

I was at the store last night, and I girl that I don't even know started a conversation with me, and was quick to ask how old I am and what I do for a living?
(30 August 2016)

How do I get with a shy girl when I am shy myself?
(30 August 2016)

I'm not even sure if she likes me but I'd like to talk to her and find out. how do I talk to her normally.
(30 August 2016)

I always find it hard to confront a girl if I like them but this one is even harder the fact that she is also shy makes it 10 times worse. she won't come to me and I can't go to her.
(30 August 2016)

Why am i male?
(30 August 2016)

Boyfriend went on my phone??
(30 August 2016)

I told him he has boundary issues, is controlling and invasive, but he makes out he is trying to help me.
(30 August 2016)

I feel he is controlling me and my life in a way?
(30 August 2016)

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