Tuesday 30 August 2016

How Whiplash and Jazz has changed me

Hey peepsi recently watched this movie called Whiplash… by far the most thrilling, intense, intimidating and grueling movie. In other words. the greatest movie ever… Whiplash is a 2014 American dr_ Cherly:I thought he viewed us as just friends, but when he called me yesterday, he declared his love for me and begged me to get [...]

After a lot of back and forth I agreed, he then started to ask me to do things to him, saying that it wasn't gay, I didn't respond for a day or two until I made up my mind that I needed to tell him that I didn't want to do anything with him anymore.
(29 August 2016)

He then gave me a girls snapchat and said she would send me more pictures if I 'traded' with her.
(29 August 2016)

I am not going to lie and say I didn't tell him to stop at first.
(29 August 2016)

Sadly me being the clueless teenager that I am I soon found out that he was sending me pictures of girls he knew naked.
(29 August 2016)

A older scout asked for my snapchat saying that he would hook me up.
(29 August 2016)

This has all happened in my Boy Scout troop.
(29 August 2016)

I have handled pretty well, I have included all of events that happened except for the reason I was targeted.
(29 August 2016)

I like this girl, what do I do?
(29 August 2016)

We make eye contact often but I don't know what to do from her?
(29 August 2016)

I know her name but that's about it, we pass by each other like every morning going to our first class.
(29 August 2016)

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