Monday 29 August 2016

July 4th N stuff

Went to Lake Travis on the 4th. hung out at the Northshore Marina At the Hollows, next to Devils Cove. I got to stay on the Nauti Girl. We couldn’t take it out, because my friend just works on it, and_ Maple:She said I will bring trust issues in and you might cheat, which my husband [...]

My friend asked me if I thought it was okay that her boyfriend likes naked women pictures on facebook?
(29 August 2016)

Is she wrong for thinking that it s a little bit disrespectful to her and their relationship?
(29 August 2016)

He told her that she was just insecure.
(29 August 2016)

She thinks that it s a little bit insensitive and disrespectful when he s liking all of these pictures while having a girlfriend.
(29 August 2016)

She is more concerned about family, coworkers, and friends seeing all of this.
(29 August 2016)

His Facebook page seems like he is single but he does have a girlfriend.
(29 August 2016)

He likes pictures of naked and half naked women, strippers.
(29 August 2016)

She asked him to stop because family and friends could see it.
(29 August 2016)

She saod she didnt want her face on a page with that type of stuff.
(29 August 2016)

She asked that he stop following the pages or take her photos off his page.
(29 August 2016)

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