Monday 29 August 2016

They call me The Marshall

Pope, Mississippi // Marielle:If so how can you tell the difference ?(21 August 2016) Marielle:Also is there a huge difference you can feel from foreplay be actual sex?(21 August 2016) Marielle:Yes I’m a virgin and I’ve done foreplay but I wonder what actual sex feels like.(21 August 2016) Marielle:Yes I know this is an awkward question [...]

Is that a bad thing that I would rather just have sex than be in a long term relationship?
(28 August 2016)

I just want sex and nothing more and nothing less.
(28 August 2016)

I don't care about bonding or building together.
(28 August 2016)

I like boobs and butt and I pick sex and physical qualities over personality or comittment.
(28 August 2016)

I'm a guy and the only thing that attracts me to woman is her sexual qualities.
(28 August 2016)

Will he ever snap out of it??
(28 August 2016)

Everyone has tried to tell him and everyone can see how controlling she is but him.
(28 August 2016)

She is so controlling and tells him what to do and is alienating him from his family and friends.
(28 August 2016)

He seems so miserable all the time when I pick up and drop off the kids.
(28 August 2016)

He moved in with her and is treating me like I am the dirt bag that screwed up his life and is blaming me for all of his mistakes.
(28 August 2016)

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