Friday 2 September 2016

And the ocean water was both clearer and warmer than I thought it would be

Last Friday, I went to Jacob Riis beach in Rockaway Park, Queens, with my kids for the first time and I was quite impressed. The sand is a little gritty, though much nicer right by the shoreline. Perhaps the best surprise was the food, which includes high-end concessions like Bolivian Llama Party and Wild Feast._…

If I went out I basically had to let her know I was going and taking the baby with me as if I was asking for her permission.
(1 September 2016)

I have a 5 year old and am expecting again, I m so anxious and constantly over thinking what it it s the same as before?
(1 September 2016)

I don't understand..?
(1 September 2016)

Its happened about 3 times so I don't think that she was genuinely busy all of those times... Anyhoo, extra info if it helps, Im 19 (male)'and she's 18. I'm on a gap year and she's in her last year.
(1 September 2016)

I know I might be over thinking (I am prone to it), but I don't know how much I should read into this.
(1 September 2016)

There's no effort to continue the conversation, and they usually end after 2-4 texts as I don't feel that I should make all the effort.
(1 September 2016)

Hey guys, so I like this girl, and in person she's really cool and talkative, but over text I feel like I'm just an innconvenience to her as she always only answers my questions directly and nothing else.
(1 September 2016)

How do I ask out a professional woman?
(1 September 2016)

Or maybe find her on Facebook but that feels creepy lol.
(1 September 2016)

Would a stop-in be appropriate or a call to her office phone?
(1 September 2016)

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