Thursday 1 September 2016

Another Day

Sitting around checking out to find another motor for my old vacuum. Hoping it’ll be cheaper than a new one. Daydreaming about my big vacation next week up north. A week alone in the north woods. Peac_ Vada:I’m starting to get the impression that I’m just a very unnatractive person.(25 August 2016) Vada:I start college tomorrow and [...]

I'm in the process of breaking up with a woman I was dating.
(31 August 2016)

Is talking about marriage to a woman that you ve known for less than a week online normal or should I run?
(31 August 2016)

My girlfriend of one year broke up with me three days before I am going to move to her. What do I do?
(31 August 2016)

My girlfriend keeps stonewalling and talking about her ex's. What should I do?
(31 August 2016)

I am I wrong to think this is an issue?
(31 August 2016)

She also emotionally withdraws from me a lot, and often refuses to answer my text messages when she is not working.
(31 August 2016)

She always talks about him, and texts him and one of her other old flames whenever she and I see each other.
(31 August 2016)

She won't shut him out, even though she knows I am not cool with him.
(31 August 2016)

We work with one of her ex's and he's always flirting with her.
(31 August 2016)

Ideas for online girlfriends birthday please!?
(31 August 2016)

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