Friday 2 September 2016

Because optimized images mean faster page load times

And faster page load times mean better user experience, higher conversion rates, and better search rankings. This means that you can drastically reduce the file size, but at the cost of noticeably losing image quality. Optimus utilizes lossless compression . That means you can still get size reductions of up to 70% without losing any [...]

I've received dirty looks from them many times.
(1 September 2016)

He works out with his friends, and I've noticed that his friends aren't as receptive towards me.
(1 September 2016)

He would stare at me occasionallly.
(1 September 2016)

My wing man helped me break the ice with him, so we've interacted a few times and say hi to each other occasionally.
(1 September 2016)

I noticed this cute guy at the gym that I became attracted to.
(1 September 2016)

My problem?
(1 September 2016)

I am 31 weeks pregnant and contractions?
(1 September 2016)

Is this pre term labor or Braxton hicks?
(1 September 2016)

I have had 4 within a 50 minute period and now severe cramping.
(1 September 2016)

I am 31 and 3 days and have been having very painful contractions.
(1 September 2016)

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