Friday 30 September 2016

email me ur numbers

Al Qahirah, cairo, Egypt // Mollie:Because of your mother’s Alzheimer’s, he hasn’t heard from her in a long time, but he still cares for her and wants to know how she’s doing.(21 September 2016) Mollie:They never had a physical affair, but did remain close friends, although your father was very jealous and unaware of [...]

Or is she just using me for attention?
(29 September 2016)

Does she like me and should i ask her again to hangout?
(29 September 2016)

We dont text alot and only see eachother in school but when i ask if she wants to hangout she usually says i'm busy.
(29 September 2016)

She also teases me and touches me when she jokes around and her friends even say we act like a couple.
(29 September 2016)

When she usually leaves to meet some friends in the cafeteria or someplace she wants me to come along like today she wanted me to come with her and a couple of friends to the cafeteria, asked me to buy her food and when i did she gave me a hug.
(29 September 2016)

Whenever we see each other walking we smile and say hi and when we run into eachother in the library or study room she sits next to me.
(29 September 2016)

There is a girl that i've been talking to over the past couple of months at school and ever since she broke up with her ex she has been approaching me more often.
(29 September 2016)

I don't think he has a idea that it's me but I want to give him a hint that it is me.
(29 September 2016)

He text the number back asking who I was, and he called three times and told me to call back.
(29 September 2016)

My ex who I found out talked to multiple girls has got a new number, I found it and text him saying things about how he hurt me and that he is a slut.
(29 September 2016)

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