Thursday 1 September 2016

He cannot respond in a reasoned and informed manner

This afternoon, Hannity went after Stelter again while cozying up to his second-best BFF, Donald Trump, Jr. Notice how he always resorts to name calling. In other words, Hannity is stupid. This is like the back alley drug pusher complaining about a school nurse who gives shots for free._ Onita:Should I go hangout with my friend [...]

This has really pissed me off and made me jealous, but that's not the half of it.
(1 September 2016)

Of course as soon as he's able to afford it he goes ahead and buys the EXACT PC that i've had my eye on for over a year.
(1 September 2016)

My parents were telling him to save the money he earns to spend towards a car, as he's currently trying to get his driving license.
(1 September 2016)

My brother has always been telling me I shouldn't get one, I should stick with my PS4. Recently, my brother got a job at a nursery, the ONLY reason he got the job was because my mum works there and practically forced him to apply.
(1 September 2016)

I'll tell the basic story of why i'm so jealous and mad so that you can try and understand, i'm into gaming, and for the past year or so i've been REALLY wanting a PC for gaming, problem is they're quite expensive for a decent one.
(1 September 2016)

What you guys think about interracial couples?
(1 September 2016)

For example a white guy and a black girl dating?
(1 September 2016)

Is it weird to have a crush on a 12 year old as a 16 year old?
(1 September 2016)

I'm just asking if it's weird and is it naturally normal or no?
(1 September 2016)

No, I'm not even thinking about a relationship or anything like that.
(1 September 2016)

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