Thursday 1 September 2016

Just seeing what there is to see

Rock Hill, South Carolina // Robena:They get mad if I hang out with him every day.(25 August 2016) Robena:My parents wanted me to see him only 3 times a week.(25 August 2016) Robena:I’m 23. I have a boyfriend that i have been dating for a few months.(25 August 2016) Joni:Does every partner cheat. And why?(25 August [...]

He asked me if I thought I am a beautiful woman.
(31 August 2016)

While we were at the bar, he asked me a strange question.
(31 August 2016)

We went to dinner and then went for a drink.
(31 August 2016)

I went out on a date with a guys I used to go to school with.
(31 August 2016)

What can i do about this????
(31 August 2016)

Is there anything i can do to make it better?
(31 August 2016)

Im 29 weeks pregnant and working all the time my ears hurt they have fluid on them from post nasal dripping (thats what the doctor called it) and my throat is so dry and scratchy and irritated and im tired of feeling like this its putting me in a bad mood.
(31 August 2016)

Do you think she likes me, help?
(31 August 2016)

This summer, however, I focused my self on bettering myself(running, mastering bball, learning russian, working out, producing music, learning the electric guitar; yeah im skilled) . So point is, I focused on making myself more attractive this year.
(31 August 2016)

However I soon learned that she had a boyfriend, so I jept my feelings in check, but my secret liking for her developed over the year.
(31 August 2016)

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