Sunday 25 September 2016


We’ve been clearing out cupboards and drawers - deciding what to take to Spain and what to dump.. we keep so so much stuff!!I have found an audio-tape with my 2 sons “producing a radio programme”…T // Yahaira:I have a coworker who is weirdly obsessed with my relationship.(16 September 2016) Felecia:Do you think it’s acceptable to watch [...]

Today my mom's friend asked if I was in school or even working.
(24 September 2016)

I raised my GPA and I am doing good after my mistakes in the past with my GPA.
(24 September 2016)

Yeah I'm 25 and just now graduating when people my age are getting married and having babies and here I am.
(24 September 2016)

I used to work 40 plus hours a week while in school and my GPA suffered because of it so I quit my job and just doing school full time.
(24 September 2016)

I went to the doctor and my aunt works there and she saw me in the hallway and asked are you still in school?
(24 September 2016)

I aways get asked if I'm still in school or what I am doing these days.
(24 September 2016)

But I feel I am the only one proud of me.
(24 September 2016)

I am a senior in college this year, graduating in May.
(24 September 2016)

I was asked if I wanted to register to vote at the Department of public safety and I said yes, how do I know when I'm already registered?
(24 September 2016)

The girl I like keeps asking me who I like and she's getting really mad that I'm not telling her who I like what do I do?!?!?
(24 September 2016)

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