Tuesday 27 September 2016

New friends

I have made some new friends and had fun. I am open for more friends and fun!! //meelp.com/blog/442484/post_3564821.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Jenine:The birds are in my line of sight through the windows, so they are fine out there, but I keep the door unlocked in case I should have to get to them quickly.(18 September 2016) Jenine:When I am home, [...]

His friends always seem to be where I am.
(26 September 2016)

We haven't talked but I want him to approach me first.
(26 September 2016)

He sometimes stares at me but like I see him looking back at me when I am leaving the classroom.
(26 September 2016)

This guy i liked asked me to be his partner at school.He asks everyday when we are not in groups ... does that mean he likes you?
(26 September 2016)

Why does my ex seem sad if she broke up with me?
(26 September 2016)

She tried talking to me today about being friends and stuff but it hurts to much.
(26 September 2016)

She wants to stay friends but I can't, it's just to painful to see her everyday but her friends are comferting her like I broke up with her wth and she looks at me whenever she gets the chance.
(26 September 2016)

I don't believe it because my other ex said the same thing.
(26 September 2016)

Then some people say to cut contact, but others say it makes you seem like a jerk and will end to things being even more awkward.
(26 September 2016)

Some people say to keep sending messages occasionally to show that it wasn't a big deal and that everything is ok, but others say it makes you look like your still going after her.
(26 September 2016)

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