Tuesday 27 September 2016

Please comment on this post with the fandoms and characters you are definitely nominating

To get the most out of our nominations, it helps to coordinate. This is especially useful for fandoms that benefit from a larger group of characters. After nominations begin, there will be another post in which you can list what you actually nominated. This post is OPTIONAL and does not serve as your official nomination._ … Continue reading Please comment on this post with the fandoms and characters you are definitely nominating

I understand killing another person is homicide.
(27 September 2016)

What is homecoming like IF you go with a date?
(27 September 2016)

Do you just stick by their side the whole time or wha?
(27 September 2016)

Why can't I like anyone?
(27 September 2016)

It's so rare finding these type of guys though.
(27 September 2016)

I just want to find someone who proves to me and others that chilvary isn't dead.
(27 September 2016)

I fear of liking someone who doesn't open the doors for me, who doesn't show me care and affection, I'm afraid of liking someone.
(27 September 2016)

I also fear of dating someone who proves to others that chilvary is dead.
(27 September 2016)

I want to get over this feeling, but i don't know how.
(27 September 2016)

I've been single for some time now and I enjoy being single, I do, but now it's getting boring.
(27 September 2016)

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