Sunday 25 September 2016

Please grab the button and help spread the word

Although it is easy, I like lots of visual aid so this post is picture heavy. I’ve never had any staining problems using the ground walnut shells. You could always use batting to line the backing if you want to make sure it doesn’t stain your fabrics. I would love to see your version._ Han:I … Continue reading "Please grab the button and help spread the word"

I feel so down and unhappy, I don t know if it s depression or not but I hate this feeling.
(25 September 2016)

I have been really sad few the past few days, I think of her alot and like her alot but I don t think she likes me quite as much.
(25 September 2016)

Her best friend told me she is really shy and pretty busy but I am too amf and I still make an effort to talk to her.
(25 September 2016)

I try to text her and we went on a date and we are warming up to each other but it feels like I M the one always starting up the conversations.
(25 September 2016)

To be honest though, we barely know each other and things are kind of awkward.
(25 September 2016)

So I started dating this girl that I really like very recently but I have liked her for a while.
(25 September 2016)

Eyes looking at each other during sec?
(25 September 2016)

Is it realistic to hope for a husband?
(25 September 2016)

What if I killed myself and then things were on the cusp of getting better the day I was buried?
(25 September 2016)

I have become very depressed and I occasionally have suicidal thoughts because I don't think things will ever get better, but fear holds me back from killing myself.
(25 September 2016)

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