Wednesday 28 September 2016

Social Ineptitude

I suppose I’m just old school, but there’s certain things you’re suppose to learn along the way. Like if someone takes the time to start a conversation with you [or just speaks], it is considered civ // Taina:I only work on day a week atm because I’m in college so its not easy talking to the [...]

I'm a junior in college and today our teacher had us come up to the front of the room to get a test and some other homework assignments.
(27 September 2016)

High sex drives?
(27 September 2016)

And what do people think of girls with high sex drives?
(27 September 2016)

How would i go about doing that?
(27 September 2016)

I have a high sex drive, and i don't really know how to tell my boyfriend.
(27 September 2016)

Does my old teacher want nothing to do with me?
(27 September 2016)

We were close and I admired him, but I m thinking that maybe it s time to let go.
(27 September 2016)

But I still feel that something is wrong.
(27 September 2016)

I apologized a few weeks ago for the visits because it was keeping him from going home, but he said there was no need to apologize.
(27 September 2016)

I sometimes get the vibe that he doesn t want to keep in touch, but maybe it s just all in my head.
(27 September 2016)

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