Thursday 1 September 2016

Soy joey Vamos a jugar xD

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico // Sylvie:I am 35 yrs old woman and married to a man.(25 August 2016) Andrew:I need relatiobship advice. I dont know what to do and i know my relationship is starting to get ruined because of me………………….?(25 August 2016) Andrew:I just need advice on how to better myself and to trust more [...]

Me and my girlfriend have only been dating for a week, I am really clingy.
(31 August 2016)

When you run out of gas - literally- in your hydrogen car.. can you get a can of it to go ?.. as you walk to the nearest ''gas'' station?
(31 August 2016)

How else can I get my girl into the back seat?
(31 August 2016)

Is 24 too old to start a family?
(31 August 2016)

There are so many girls that are 21 and have two kids already.
(31 August 2016)

Everyone my age and younger than me already have kids.
(31 August 2016)

I have two more years until I finish college and I want a big family really bad.
(31 August 2016)

My wife cheated with my friend.!!! Feeling like strangling them?
(31 August 2016)

So I am 15 and I have liked a guy for 6 months, I was honest and told him from the start. We agreed to be friends because he wasn't single ?
(31 August 2016)

Did he like me before what happened?
(31 August 2016)

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