Thursday 29 September 2016

The sky was our entertainment on the last few hours of a long drive across Texas and New Mexico

Painting My World: What Happens When You Change Underpainting Colors? It was one of those ‘drive-by’ shots taken from the car as the landscaped zipped by. The first painting I did was for my Sky workshop in Florida. For this demo I painted large and used four values of violet for a dry wash underpainting._ Elyse:I’m [...]

He said thank you from far away & I knodded and waved to continue home.(probably a mistake but Its been the closest I've ever gotten) it's been 5 months.
(27 September 2016)

His house in on the corner from mine so I had to pass it again when I was returning home.
(27 September 2016)

I did then we talked a bit about ourselves then I continued my walk.
(27 September 2016)

Well he made the shot & asked for me to kiss him on the cheek.
(27 September 2016)

At first I just said sure, avoiding as I didn't know if I was interested, I said yes when his friend asked is that a yes?
(27 September 2016)

He stopped me and bet if he made this ridiculous shot I'd have to kiss him.
(27 September 2016)

I was taking a walk & he was playing basketball with his friend.
(27 September 2016)

I met this guy who lives down the street and he goes to another school.
(27 September 2016)

Should I be upset that my bf is drinking on a work night?
(27 September 2016)

I'm fine with him going out and having fun with colleague, but I feel a bit uneasy about this.
(27 September 2016)

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