Sunday 25 September 2016

Your place or mine

I get to your place, you have been waiting on me to get there. Waiting in anticipation of the evening to come. We make small talk for a while, and you offer me a drink. We both get up and go to the ki // Drucilla:My ex send a apology video to me explaining he didn’t [...]

So, I am wondering if it would be weird or seem too aggressive for me to go up to him and start talking or acting friendly.
(25 September 2016)

I think he might like me too, but he sort of seems shy and cautious, like me.
(25 September 2016)

Hi, There is a guy who I have a crush on who works at the gym at my college.
(25 September 2016)

Yes, this was their first warning.
(25 September 2016)

Does he like me? I am severely confused?
(25 September 2016)

This is the last one, but he said to me that I should not fold my arms because that is a sign of unattraction.
(25 September 2016)

He never looks at me during class.
(25 September 2016)

I also noticed that he barely pays any attention to me.
(25 September 2016)

One day, he tied some girls shoes.
(25 September 2016)

Also, he noted that I tend to gaze at my male teacher as if he is hot.
(25 September 2016)

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