Saturday 29 October 2016

A Sense Of Taste!

[image] [post 3724011] What are your favorite tastes?[image2]Thanksgiving is coming up this month, yeah![image3]Some women like the taste of cum and some women don’t!How do you feel about it?[im // Migdalia:So they closed my husbands case and opened hers.(17 October 2016) Migdalia:In South Carolina, an unmarried mother is always the custodial parent.(17 October 2016) Migdalia:She then, took possession [...]

She's congested etc. looking up there don't see anything but what if it's further back?
(28 October 2016)

I still feel like here may be something further up or something.
(28 October 2016)

I took her to ER and they removed it.
(28 October 2016)

Anyways I noticed a weird smell and something told me to check her nose.
(28 October 2016)

So about 3 weeks ago, my daughter had a piece of starafoam stuck up Her nose.
(28 October 2016)

I don't want to have a huge group of friends, I just want to know how to go about becoming closer to someone who I want to be friends with.
(28 October 2016)

Need help on how to talk to girls?
(28 October 2016)

Its not that i am a shy person (i can talk to any guy no problem), i just can't come up with anything to say and i cant keep a conversation going.
(28 October 2016)

Whenever i talk to a girl that i find even slightly attractive i freeze up.
(28 October 2016)

!!!! Does she like me?
(28 October 2016)

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