Saturday 29 October 2016

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder!

[image] Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder![image2]What have you seen lately that just took your breath away?[image3][image4][image5][image6][image7] [image8][image9][image10]Thank you for visiting // Sherlene:Was my friend flirting with me?(17 October 2016) Sherlene:And then she was like you’re so pretty and it was akward.(17 October 2016) Sherlene:I made a comment that my back hurt and she was like [...]

How would you feel about your bf using porn?
(28 October 2016)

Also, would you consider it cheating?
(28 October 2016)

Does it make you uncomfortable, is it okay with you or would you consider it wrong?
(28 October 2016)

What's been your experience with online dating?
(28 October 2016)

Guys who will steadily date you but pull the whole ''I don't want a relationship'' card, AKA they wanted to be friends with benefits the whole time but didn't have the balls to outright say it.
(28 October 2016)

And the cellophane that I used was those for food grade (or something like that, where you put soup,milk,rice and etc.
(28 October 2016)

Sad dad video? Help me find it?
(28 October 2016)

How to ask your cousin who's a stoner if I can buy some weed?
(28 October 2016)

How do I know if he's flirting?
(28 October 2016)

Sometimes when I try to talk to him he ignores me.
(28 October 2016)

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