Sunday 30 October 2016

Fantasy number eight

I have a few questions for everyone out there. If you could sit back and masturbate and watch me, and this goes for both girls and guys, I was wondering what would turn you on the most. So here are // Devon:I’m 15 now & tbh i don’t remember the last time I was ever happy, [...]

My friend was the first one and she didn't wrap it and it was a gift card and so I put it onto the table and went to socialize.
(30 October 2016)

Recently I had a birthday party and I had put all the gifts onto one table.
(30 October 2016)

Should I wish my ex happy birthday and give him back his bag?
(30 October 2016)

He wanted me to go to his even when I say I don't want to sleep with someone I'm not with, and already made that mistake.
(30 October 2016)

He wanted t back but wouldn't meet me out to get it.
(30 October 2016)

I also have his a which he lent me after i saw him end of August.
(30 October 2016)

My mom found all my secrets?
(30 October 2016)

She ignores me often and I know she likes my older brother better then me I am seriously thinking not having contact with her once I move unless she treats me better and she gets upset when I don't say I love you back because well I don't.
(30 October 2016)

What to Do with him?
(30 October 2016)

Is she bullying me?
(30 October 2016)

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