Saturday 29 October 2016

Glamorous Mature Beauty Wanted As Mistress By Millionaire

Glamorous mature beauty with a sexually submissive personality wanted to serve as the mistress for a generous millionaire residing near Topeka. If you love to dress sexy and love the thought of being bent over my desk please reply. Fulfill my fantasies daily and you will revel in a lifestyle of breathtaking luxury. [...]

I really don't know what to do Even if i did get the opportunity to talk to her i think that i would freeze up and not know what to say.
(28 October 2016)

I would try to talk to her but she goes of in her small group of friends and sits away from everyone else and the only way i could go and talk to her at lunch would be to go and approach her infront of her friends and try and drag her away.
(28 October 2016)

We have spoken a tiny bit when we have had to do assignments together but never a proper conversation alone.
(28 October 2016)

There is this girl that I like alot.
(28 October 2016)

He talks about other woman in front of me??
(28 October 2016)

We went out for meals together and he refused to let me pay half.
(28 October 2016)

But what I find strange is that when I'm not around he'll text me saying he's missing me, he wants me and him to start a new sport together.
(28 October 2016)

He replied this girl I'm getting close to, showing them pictures of her the lot.
(28 October 2016)

We were all sat around talking and he started slowly adding this girls name into the conversation, sp the other woman who was with us asked who she was.
(28 October 2016)

But i texted her today for the first time (all our interactions have been in person) and within a few messages she told me she has a bf but doesnt want us to be awkward an we could still hang out cause she thinks im cool.
(28 October 2016)

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