Sunday 30 October 2016

On this day …

1775 Washington condemns Guy Fawkes festivities.Strange that, the universe constantly throws up connections or affirmations to thoughts and conversations I’ve recently had.Last night it was Guy (Guido // Brittany:She always tell me that I need to wait to go to college or get a job I think its because I won’t really be at home with [...]

I understand why he may feel strange about it but I have given him no reason to trust me and after five years I feel it s kind of unfair that I feel uncomfortable asking him to go somewhere to party without him.
(29 October 2016)

I never want to come off as disrespectful or unfair, but I would never talk or pay attention to these guys while in a relationship with my boyfriend, or probably even if I was single again.
(29 October 2016)

He s especially weird about me going to the parties on this street because guys that I ve been with while single sometimes party here too.
(29 October 2016)

I can think of maybe one time where he let me go to a party without him and it was at my friends house with mostly girls so I don t even count that.
(29 October 2016)

My boyfriend is super weird about me doing things without him.
(29 October 2016)

Tonight is a Halloween party on a college frat street near the university and my friend (who also has a bf) wants me to go with her because her boyfriend is in Canada.
(29 October 2016)

We ve both had sex with multiple other people while we were single but we ve been back together for almost a year now and we ve been great.
(29 October 2016)

My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for 5 years and have a lot of rough patches along the way.
(29 October 2016)

Boy names: Brother for Grayson and Jasper?
(29 October 2016)

We're expecting our third child and just found out its a boy.
(29 October 2016)

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