Saturday 1 October 2016

People often lose that immediacy of contact with what surrounds us

That is one of the questions behind a new retreat into nature for leaders in the sustainable business world. But spending time in nature can be a source of great joy and sometimes transcendental meaning. But they are often not so tuned in to their impact on biodiversity and resources._ Karen:I’ve heard people say maybe, … Continue reading "People often lose that immediacy of contact with what surrounds us"

I would always tell her that she was beautiful but she would say i'm lying.
(30 September 2016)

Shes freaking beautiful at times i was thinking how in the hell did i manage to end up with her lol.
(30 September 2016)

Somedays she was fine other days she just wanted to stay inside and sleep all day because she was afraid people would think she ugly.
(30 September 2016)

Early on she told me she has BDD and suffers from depression and anxiety.
(30 September 2016)

It was amazing and we had alot of fun together.
(30 September 2016)

We met about 5 months ago online.
(30 September 2016)

Should I tell my friend what his little brother asked me?
(30 September 2016)

I have recently been maturating to lesbian porn. I'm married to a man and have 2 children. What do I do?
(30 September 2016)

I hardly have sex with my husband anymore, he works late and when he gets days off he's too tired to do anything.
(30 September 2016)

I've discovered that I can not get off from anything other then lesbian porn.
(30 September 2016)

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