Monday 31 October 2016

Recognize My Mindfuck

Łódź, Poland // Ami:These 2 girls both are sexual with me?(18 October 2016) Ami:They love me for me and i don’t know what to do.(18 October 2016) Ami:Then they took me to my room and we did some things that I enjoyed but I know it’s not ok.(18 October 2016) Ami:I eventually said I loved them [...]

She not once mentioned it and she didn't seem unhappy at all.
(30 October 2016)

So then she wrote me another note saying that she was unhappy in our Relationship.
(30 October 2016)

She doesn't know that i know this.
(30 October 2016)

So her dad told me that she got caught smoking weed and told her to break up with me.
(30 October 2016)

But last week she broke up with me over a note saying that she was going through some stuff and that i deserve someone better then her.
(30 October 2016)

So she suggested the idea to date.
(30 October 2016)

When her dad came to pick us up she told her dad that it was official and that we were dating.
(30 October 2016)

While we were slow dancing she said that she has been waiting all night for me to ask her out.
(30 October 2016)

So this girl i liked since last year, i worked up enough confidence to ask her to homecoming and she said yes.
(30 October 2016)

Do you think he misses me?
(30 October 2016)

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