Monday 31 October 2016

So how can we identify a path that will work for us?

F-bomb alert level: juicy orange. How you can use The Backwards Law to get out of the vicious cycle of comparing yourself to others. How The Self-Awareness Onion can lead you to a great understanding of yourself and your relationships. And the things that you hold dear and hold to be true today are likely [...]

I'm scared to go to my friend with this problem?
(31 October 2016)

There is only one other person I could talk to, but I'm just scared that they will get annoyed and think that I'm just talking to them for attention.
(31 October 2016)

I don't like going to other people with my problems because I don't want to annoy them.
(31 October 2016)

I really want to talk to someone about it because I just feel lost in life right now.
(31 October 2016)

Besides her, I didn't have anyone I could really go to with problems.
(31 October 2016)

My best friend committed suicide, and it really effected me.
(31 October 2016)

So recently, something really tragic happened.
(31 October 2016)

I'm a junior girl and I sort of like a freshman guy?
(31 October 2016)

I feel like a junior girl dating a freshman guy is really awkward because of the age gap... but I wouldn't think it was weird for a junior guy to date a freshman girl.
(31 October 2016)

He's 15 and turns 16 in February, so he's old for his grade, but he's still a freshman.
(31 October 2016)

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