Sunday 30 October 2016

¿Te importan los pelos para hacer sexo oral?

Este es un tema que traté en más ocasiones, pero hoy lo traigo en forma de encuesta.Puedes escoger diferentes respuestas, según seas hombre o mujer, según uses preservativo o alguna protección, o // Ayana:Do you have any regrets in your life?(17 October 2016) Ayana:At 25 years old i feel like im 80 i also reLize its just [...]

I am super scared for her life right now.
(29 October 2016)

Do you knock on the door when you get to a party?
(29 October 2016)

Going to my first party tomorrow there will be about 60 people there, am I suppose to knock on the door and wait for someone to answer or just let myself in?
(29 October 2016)

Date night to surprise my husband?
(29 October 2016)

But I need ideas for before that.
(29 October 2016)

We've been talking about trying to get pregnant, so that's already an idea in mind for tonight.
(29 October 2016)

It's supposed to be chilly and rainy tonight, so there won't be much to do outside.
(29 October 2016)

I figured I could use the time I have alone right now to come up with a date night to really surprise him.
(29 October 2016)

He's out with his sisters right now buying birthday presents for their mom.
(29 October 2016)

We both work in a hospital, so us having the same day off is pretty rare.
(29 October 2016)

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