Friday 28 October 2016

The Ottoman Turks accused the Sheriff of betraying the Muslim Caliphate

New Arab Renaissance: Enabling Success. It was a history of ruthless monarchies (Caliphates) family feuds for power pitting father against son, sons against each other. Though the Revolt was cowed in national secularism, it was declared a revolt against a ruler who violated the tenants of Islam._ Maura:I’m scared to lose him as a friend … Continue reading The Ottoman Turks accused the Sheriff of betraying the Muslim Caliphate

Gets bored of relationships easily?
(27 October 2016)

I don't know how to stop... I feel like I have to be hurting.
(27 October 2016)

Unfortunately he had an aneurism, we were suppose to be married.. now I'm kind of sabotaging my relationships.
(27 October 2016)

I have been loved, and have loved someone.
(27 October 2016)

The most depressing thing I can think of is waking up to the same person every morning.
(27 October 2016)

I don't know if this is normal, I look at other people's long term relationships and feel sorry for them, because I feel as though it gets old.
(27 October 2016)

I can't be happy in a situation for too long, I always gotta have change or I feel like I'm losing my marbles.
(27 October 2016)

He doesn't deserve to go through this, I literally am picking things to argue about, I've done this with every guy I've been with.
(27 October 2016)

But I'm kind of self destructive, I get bored easily.
(27 October 2016)

He's a great guy, treats me good.
(27 October 2016)

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