Thursday 27 October 2016

Then somehow the conversation turns to Super Soakers and water slides

Josh tries an Idaho Spud and it was delicious. Somehow he drove over here to do this episode, but it is unknown if he will survive the trip home, so say your goodbyes now. Craig makes a bold statement saying that no one could tell the difference between Crystal and the old regular stuff._ Darcel:Is there [...]

I plan on losing 30 more pounds to leave the chubby face my question is will she be impress or not and she has seen me at 235 and was suprize I lost 30.
(27 October 2016)

Yes she knows I like her but does not ignore me like other girls in the past.
(27 October 2016)

There is this girl I like but she has a lot of guys after her she says no to them and is single but I m fat and I don t know if I should ask her out I was 235 pounds but I lost 29 pounds should I continue to workout for her will that impress her.
(27 October 2016)

Shouldnt i have my blood results already from a week ago?
(27 October 2016)

Im supposed to get an email either way of the exact results.. kinda getting mad now.
(27 October 2016)

It was from an urgent care place..could theybhave forgotten?
(27 October 2016)

This is the 4th business day..when do u think they will call?
(27 October 2016)

I got tested fri the 21st.. its now next thurs.
(27 October 2016)

Does he look to be over 200 pounds?
(27 October 2016)

Why doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me anymore?
(27 October 2016)

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