Saturday 29 October 2016

Wednesday Picnic

I’m going on a solo picnic tomorrow afternoon, but I’ve decided some company might be nice. I’ll be at Kensington around noon and will be wearing a bright purple jumpsuit with orange flames. If you’d like to spend an afternoon eating raw avocados and drinking lake water, send me an email! - Chester [...]

How do i get this girl to relax?
(28 October 2016)

How do i get her to realize that she is not a boy, but a girl who feels like a boy?
(28 October 2016)

How do i get her to understand that they think she is a girl because she looks exactly like one?
(28 October 2016)

EVERYONE thinks she is a girl when they first meet her, and she gets sooooo angry.
(28 October 2016)

She honestly looks like a girl with short hair and men's clothing.
(28 October 2016)

How come he stares at me but won't talk to me?
(28 October 2016)

If so, why won't he try to talk to me?
(28 October 2016)

Then eventually he moved by his friend and then I moved next to him a week later.
(28 October 2016)

He has quite a lot of friends, but he doesn't talk in class except with his friend and his friend is way more talkative than him and starts most of their conversations.
(28 October 2016)

I've talked to him a few times and he is nice and doesn't give one word answers.
(28 October 2016)

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