Saturday 29 October 2016

Who must move aside to let another take up the space?

I rather like sitting down to see a show. The work was inspired by and named after an essay by Sara Ahmed and examined the politics of space. No such thing as a designated aisle and seat number. Some took place against the walls with the performers attached to a kind of harness._ Markita:Still not … Continue reading Who must move aside to let another take up the space?

But he keeps looking at me and looks away when I notice.
(28 October 2016)

My grandparents are leaving town for Christmas to see an aunt they seldom see (understandably). I feel sad by this, how can I be happy?
(28 October 2016)

It will be my immediate family (parents and two siblings) and my aunt and her daughter.
(28 October 2016)

I feel sad it will be so different.
(28 October 2016)

I understand them going as they don't get to see her much and I think the aunt is upset at holidays about that.
(28 October 2016)

My one set of grandparents died and this will be the 1st year without my paternal grandmother (my grandfather died 3 years ago). And my mother's parents are traveling to see my aunt.
(28 October 2016)

How can I be happy come Christmas, it is like it is not Christmas without them.
(28 October 2016)

I have this feeling on both sides but i think it's a mix of gas as well.
(28 October 2016)

Oh and I have been having feelings around where my ovaries are, it's not painful but it's noticeable.
(28 October 2016)

My question is should I worry about the chance of pregnancy or is this normal and I should stop stressing over it?
(28 October 2016)

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