Wednesday 30 November 2016

Seperated and lonely

42 male in need of some passionate kissing fondling making out like kids touching n letting the world stop. I’m recently seperated going through a very hard time in my life not looking for anything serious just some discrete fun. I’m very respectful and a gentleman so l know how to treat a woman. Very [...]

I have three different girls who would like to get together.
(1 December 2016)

Does this girl like me? She goes in my university and we have class together and we sit next to each other?
(1 December 2016)

She always smiles at me when I'm around and always talks to me whenever she sees me and doesn't get embarrassed when she talks to me with people or her friends and she is always friendly and nice to me.
(1 December 2016)

She stayed speechless when I told her that I wanted to be friends with a girl I have in my other class. ummm I helped her with her homework and visa-versa and she is kind of touchy with me.
(1 December 2016)

Can I ask if he has a girlfriend?
(1 December 2016)

This boy that I know doesn t like me calls me hot and thick (as in having a nice butt) he tells me I have nice boobs. what do I do?
(1 December 2016)

I m in 8th grade (13) and he does this in class.He goes mmm (in a moaning way) and says my name in my ear . I m uncomfortable but, I don t want to tell.
(1 December 2016)

So, I like this guy a lot, only problem is he is a hugee flirt?
(1 December 2016)

Sometimes he ll say he likes me but, it sort of sounds like he is joking with me.
(1 December 2016)

Does this friend of mine like me?
(1 December 2016)

Sometimes you think you are or were in love and you were not

Are you feeling upbeat and positive right now? Do you have dirty clothes in the hamper, or are you all caught up with your laundry? What do you need to pick up at the store? We seem to be running low on paper towels. Some people believe Troll dolls are good luck._ Loralee:Move to different … Continue reading "Sometimes you think you are or were in love and you were not"

Breast changes in early 20s. Pregnant?
(30 November 2016)

Do I sound like I'm pregnant, or am I just losing it?
(30 November 2016)

I just want to know for sure, but I don't know if I should schedule a ultrasound because I've only gotten negative tests.
(30 November 2016)

If I am pregnant, I would be around 8-10 weeks along.
(30 November 2016)

But I am still not convinced that I am not pregnant due to all of my symptoms.
(30 November 2016)

And I went to the doctor yesterday for a blood test and it came back negative.
(30 November 2016)

I have taken numerous pregnancy tests, all negative.
(30 November 2016)

However, I have had my period on time, twice.
(30 November 2016)

I've also been getting cramps that feel like I'm going to get my period tomorrow, but it doesn't come.
(30 November 2016)

And I have to pee constantly, especially this week.
(30 November 2016)

Married and dreaming of the excitement that is missing?

Are you in a marriage with no passion? Do you miss the feeling of being wanted? I miss the excitement of romance, of looking into woman’s eyes as we kiss and that shudder of anticipation as we touch. I know I am not the only one that is having these thoughts and feelings. So I [...]

Why do he bring it up himself sometimes?
(30 November 2016)

He's 40 I'm 30. I kind of hint that I want to have his baby and he plays along with my baby talk.. I wonder if he's serious or if he's just playing along.
(30 November 2016)

I'm dating this guy for some months now and I told him I may want more kids.
(30 November 2016)

Should I be uncomfortable with my wife, two friends and I having sex?
(30 November 2016)

Or is it ok to be uncomfortable with it?
(30 November 2016)

However, I don't want to disappoint her.
(30 November 2016)

The though of me being with anyone else or her being with anyone else just irks me.
(30 November 2016)

I'm pretty uncomfortable with this.
(30 November 2016)

She recently suggested we ask some friends of ours to join us to mix it up.
(30 November 2016)

It seems that maybe she's gotten bored with our sex life even though I feel fine.
(30 November 2016)

Lunch and good conversation

I hate eating lunch alone and thought I’d see if there might be another professional that might want to meet for some good food and good conversation. If we hit it off it could maybe be something else, even drinks. I might even take the rest of the day off for the right situation if [...]

I have a friend and she is sort of emo.
(30 November 2016)

Used to missing months and I figure it would take a while for my periods to return to normal.
(30 November 2016)

When I finally started bleeding in September I thought it was one of my usual late periods since i.
(30 November 2016)

When I missed it did more than one test which were negative.
(30 November 2016)

She gave my husband and I the ok to try and have a baby.
(30 November 2016)

In early September I had a miscarriage.
(30 November 2016)

I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this same experience.
(30 November 2016)

I don't think its that we have no trust, I think its just that the distance is getting to us like most relationships.
(30 November 2016)

I can't break up with my boyfriend?
(30 November 2016)

Should I keep crying from the fighting and the distance or should I wait 2 years until its over.
(30 November 2016)

Because nobody notices you if all you do is to bury your head and do a great job

This is the reputation that I am talking about. I know someone who often cries wolf at office. There is no grading system at work, no final exam to let your stand out. In fact, they learned more when they watched TV news. Very often, the one who has done something horrible gets the most … Continue reading "Because nobody notices you if all you do is to bury your head and do a great job"

Annoying friend? How to nicely get rid of her?
(30 November 2016)

How can I politely get rid of her?
(30 November 2016)

There s this girl in my class who s beyond annoying.
(30 November 2016)

We broke up, but it's complicated. Now what do I do?
(30 November 2016)

At first, I agreed, because I want him to focus on and succeed in school, but now I regret breaking up with him.
(30 November 2016)

We broke up because he was too busy to truly put time and effort into a relationship.
(30 November 2016)

What should I do about my x girlfriend?
(30 November 2016)

I'm all alone?
(30 November 2016)

How do i ask a guy for his number?
(30 November 2016)

If so what are some ways i can do that?
(30 November 2016)

People put so many demands on you and it all seems so pointless

How Do I Reconnect with My Husband? We never spent any time together. Okay, those are rather sad to start off our week. But I know many of you are lonely. And many couples never get beyond facts or opinions. So add something little so you can connect emotionally._ Ida:Also, some of you might say … Continue reading People put so many demands on you and it all seems so pointless

I'm not a child I'm 23 and have been in this relationship for two years, she's possible and vets if I see someone that I knew from school (a girl) and I mean just literally cries just because I looked at them.
(30 November 2016)

I could easily do it and get on with it, but I always find it an easier breakup when they do it.
(30 November 2016)

Now don't take this as if I have no balls to finish her.
(30 November 2016)

This girls harder than most she won't give up or mentioned things, but maybe you guys will have a few good ideas.
(30 November 2016)

She's heavily invested in me and from my experience I have always allowed a girl to finish with me, course it was easier as a child but I can truthy say all my relationships have ended because I wanted them to.
(30 November 2016)

I need a list of ways to push my girlfriend away so she will end the relationship.
(30 November 2016)

I've been considering all options and I am still feeling lost, very unsure of myself, and just afraid.
(30 November 2016)

We recently became official and in the midst of the drama with my family he suggested that we run off and elope.
(30 November 2016)

He is currently living in California and is a marine and I am living in Colorado.
(30 November 2016)

A guy who I went to high school with and I reconnected in July and he has been pursuing a relationship since then, however I wanted to wait till Christmas time to become official when we would get to spend time together in person.
(30 November 2016)

Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a day dream

Kansas City, Missouri // Hilda:I genuinely think she may be the one for me.(10 November 2016) Hilda:I’m 21, I’ve been going out with this girl for only about 9 months and I can truly say I’ve never felt for anyone the same way I feel for this girl.(10 November 2016) Michaela:I lied about my age? [...]

I am 17 now, when I turn 18 can I take legal Guardianship of my cousin (who will be 15)?
(30 November 2016)

Will i be able to get guardianship?
(30 November 2016)

When I turn 18 I will be a senior in high school as well.
(30 November 2016)

She grew up with her parents being extremely violent and abusive to each other and she should not be going through that all over again when we had to practically save her from where she was.
(30 November 2016)

If things continue to go downhill the way they are I DO NOT want my cousin being trapped here.
(30 November 2016)

October 2017 I will be 18 and I want to know if there is any way I would be able to attempt to get custody of my cousin.
(30 November 2016)

Both my mom and dad go to her with their problems and continuously bad mouth each other while only my dad comes to me.
(30 November 2016)

One thing led to another (my mom cheating for about a year that we know of) and my cousin wants to leave for a while to get out of the house.
(30 November 2016)

How to ask to go to the school nurse?
(30 November 2016)

So how do I ask without being heard or interrupting?
(30 November 2016)

recherche relation stable et animé

Douala, célibatère, Cameroon // Matilde:I sent him a message saying hi and he looked familiar to me and said have a great day.(9 November 2016) Matilde:I came across this guys profile on facebook were not friends on facebook. he looks so familiar i just dont know from where hes alao very handsome.(9 November 2016) Laronda:What [...]

She was emotionally manipulative and honestly the worst person I have ever met (and it had nothing to do with her depression, just her personality is vain and egoistic). So then, she drifted away from me, leaving me heartbroken.
(30 November 2016)

So, I knew this girl for about 4 years and we were so close, but she was an attention-seeker.
(30 November 2016)

Playing two consoles side by side. How to set up?
(30 November 2016)

Looking to set up two Xbox one consoles but unsure how so I can play with my gf.
(30 November 2016)

I just found out my 15 yo daughter was sending nude pictures to her 19 yo boyfriend(of which i was unaware). Will she be arrested?
(30 November 2016)

He is also sending her nudes of him self.
(30 November 2016)

Did you have a small wedding, big wedding, or just a trip to the courthouse?
(30 November 2016)

Has anyone ever got pregnant from a toilet seat?
(30 November 2016)

Is Sharon a male name?
(30 November 2016)

Literally met a guy named Sharon, and he's from Austria.
(30 November 2016)

Emotional Maturity?

I have written this twice and still don’t like it necessarily, but I was asked to post it anyhow so here goes…Emotional maturity is something I’ve thought about quite a bit over the past six // Sandy:My Husband and his Mother files our taxes and would not address me with an answer the several times I [...]

We're both sophomores in high school and we've actually never met before.
(30 November 2016)

If a husband happen to meet some of his wife's ex boyfriends with who she had sex many time, what will be the situation?
(30 November 2016)

Should he feel ashamed that they know every part of his wife's body and emotions but he does'nt know about theirs?
(30 November 2016)

How can I apologize to show that I am truly sorry about what I've done?
(30 November 2016)

So my question is: What can I do to make up for my mistakes and show her that I am truly sorry for all the things i did?
(30 November 2016)

I've written her apology messages for all of these things, but i don't feel like it's enough.
(30 November 2016)

I also cut contact with her for two days after she told me we should just be friends, which emotionally hurt her.
(30 November 2016)

During those two months of waiting I managed to break her trust and I guilt tripped her with personal question.
(30 November 2016)

I've accepted this and i'm okay with being just her friend, but i still have another problem.
(30 November 2016)

After two months of waiting I got a no from her, but she still wanted to stay friends with me.
(30 November 2016)

WOW!!! There are thousands upon thousands of hot, handsome, well built men on this

WOW!!! There are thousands upon thousands of hot, handsome, well built men on this site that I just love being here. If you cannot find a decent guy here, either you are genuine as a person or you are // Kristie:I find that men are usually more brave, bold, and direct when pursuing and hitting on [...]

Now it s been 2 weeks after the break up and it seems that he has started dating someone new.
(30 November 2016)

Especially not when you re thinking about breaking up anytime soon, I guess.
(30 November 2016)

That s not something you just tell anyone right?
(30 November 2016)

Two days before the break up, he also told me a secret he said no one knew about him: he has some struggles keeping his penis hard.
(30 November 2016)

None of us did see the break up coming (it was kinda mutual but he wanted it more) and we actually made plans for the next week, two days before the break up.
(30 November 2016)

I dated this guy for 2 months and a week.
(30 November 2016)

It'd be a little over a month and I can't stop thinking about him and it's bothering me.
(30 November 2016)

And then all of a sudden both of us stop talking to each other.
(30 November 2016)

So we were in a long distance relationship.
(30 November 2016)

Should I still permit our 8 year old to attend a birthday party this weekend after saying the f word and and a word in school?
(30 November 2016)

You’re right…..just looking to get into your pants!

Me….37, married, well educated, professional job. If you’re here looking mostly for sex, and not mainly expecting funny intelligent conversations, let’s talk. // Blanche:Did my sons dad use me as a rebound?(8 November 2016) Blanche:He still lies to me even though it’s on fb.We still have a kid together did he use me as [...]

I miss him so much, I still love him to pieces and I can t go on.
(30 November 2016)

He says he misses me, but that we won t work, even though relationships go through a lot more trauma than ours did.
(30 November 2016)

He was my best friend, boyfriend; we did everything together.
(30 November 2016)

My boyfriend of two years has left me.
(30 November 2016)

Can birth control effects shift with your body chemistry over time?
(30 November 2016)

I'm starting to think it may be an effect of the birth control...but I honestly do not remember this being such an issue for me a year or two ago.
(30 November 2016)

Even when I'm trying to be angry, I start to well up with tears.
(30 November 2016)

If the moment is right, I can literally cry about anything.
(30 November 2016)

However, only within the past 6 months-1 year, I've noticed a sharp spike in sadness and emotional outbursts.
(30 November 2016)

I've been on the same birth control for about 2.5-3 years now.
(30 November 2016)

The withdrawal from the website has been taking several years

I no longer have the same relationship to the work and thus how I put it out into the world is also changing. Not always a fun process by any means, but it is always fascinating. I now only have 80 some friends here on Facebook and have no more accounts dedicated to the blog._ … Continue reading "The withdrawal from the website has been taking several years"

And I was like thanks for lieing and he said he wasn't lieing.
(30 November 2016)

Well now he doesn't like me like that anymore but as friends. (We give each other dating advice lol). We were born the same day (b day twin) we're 15. Anyway once I was sad and said I felt ugly.
(30 November 2016)

My classmate texted guys through my phone?
(30 November 2016)

I didn't tell her anything because I want to be a friend with her but yesterday she asked me to give her my fb password so I said no way.
(30 November 2016)

I couldn't even see what was she saying.
(30 November 2016)

I didn't mind it when she was just scrolling through Instagram or watching people's snap stories, but recently she started to add random people on my facebook, and she even started to text them through my facebook.
(30 November 2016)

So there's this one classmate at my school who constantly asks for my phone, when we have like free lessons or during the breaks.
(30 November 2016)

My girlfriend asked for help with her son?
(30 November 2016)

Can anyone on here give me any advice on how to help her son?
(30 November 2016)

Not to mention I am only 10 years his senior, so I doubt he will listen to what I have to say.
(30 November 2016)

Looking for Fun - alone at the moment

Would like to find someone for an ongoing FWB relationship. I am currently alone for the next few nights so the timing is good for some serious fun with the right person. Laid back, easy going, very attentive and not opposed to spoiling a bit. Open mind and open to age and race. [...]

There is a black girl that I like at my job but I'm afraid she wouldn't be into someone like me.
(30 November 2016)

How cna i deal with my crazy parents?
(30 November 2016)

I am 20 years old i don't get it how is asking for my OWN money a sin?
(30 November 2016)

My dad also said that he's coming to the doems to investigate with the supervisor.
(30 November 2016)

Problem with girlfriend and parents?
(30 November 2016)

Now I'm in a situation where my parents are upset with her cause of her attitude, but at the same time she's upset with them cause of them going into our room when we were paying rent for it.
(30 November 2016)

Was it unreasonable that my girlfriend got mad about this?
(30 November 2016)

Not because she didn't trust them, but she's just a private person.
(30 November 2016)

I don't think it's a big deal, cause they're my parents, but at the same time we were paying rent for the room and they knew my girlfriend didn't want them going in there.
(30 November 2016)

Girlfriend and I had our own place for two years at age 19 and 20. At 21, moved in with my parents (hers were out of state) and we each paid $150 in rent plus $50 to help with utilities.
(30 November 2016)

Seeking Female in Austin interested in Anonymous Roleplay today

Very good looking, very fit man the Austin area seeking a female interested in a totally anonymous roleplay fantasy today. Simply put, you come to my store today, walk in as if you’re a customer, we walk to the back room and fuck like crazy. Then you leave. Very easy, very erotic, VERY discreet. I [...]

I got spanked by 3 of my grandparents growing up.
(30 November 2016)

She took them up on it and did it twice.
(30 November 2016)

When I was 5, my babysitter who also had kids was told she could spank me too like she did her some to be fair.
(30 November 2016)

I really love a girl but she's not a virgin anymore and I'm a guy who has never even hugged any girl. How to deal with this?
(30 November 2016)

And what else can I do, I can't like any other girl.
(30 November 2016)

I know its foolish to trust her, but she sounds really guilty.
(30 November 2016)

She's calling me to her country again now but this time, she's saying to come just this month or never.
(30 November 2016)

After 1 year she has comeback and said how's she can't find anyone else who love her more than me and better than me.
(30 November 2016)

I was gonna go to her country but she suddenly changed and said that she is in love with other guy living there and she left me.
(30 November 2016)

Its just that we promised to give each other our first time, which I consider very special and its definitely only once in a lifetime moment.
(30 November 2016)

Here are some of our strategies to make big family travel happen

Years ago I had big dreams of jetsetting around the world. I had been a French major and lived a year in France. Years ago I had big dreams of jetsetting around the world. I had been a French major and lived a year in France. This post may contain affiliate links._ Arica:Is it normal … Continue reading Here are some of our strategies to make big family travel happen

Ive been holding in the same fart for 44 years.
(30 November 2016)

Eloping at 18?
(30 November 2016)

What advice do you have to make our marriage work if we do elope?
(30 November 2016)

Do you think that marrying him is the right decision?
(30 November 2016)

He suggested that we get married and live together in California, and I could go to the school near his base.
(30 November 2016)

There are a few endeavors that I'm looking into that could make me enough money to pay tuition and my other bills, but if they don't work out then there aren't very many other options.
(30 November 2016)

I absolutely do not want to move back, and it's iffy whether or not I'll be able to totally support myself.
(30 November 2016)

My parents have decided that I am to either move back with them in Texas and live under presumably strict rules, or to receive no more support from them.
(30 November 2016)

I love him very much, I've known him for a few years (we went to high school together but weren't close friends) but reconnected with him this past July.
(30 November 2016)

I am considering leaving my school in Colorado and moving to California and getting married to my boyfriend who is in the marines.
(30 November 2016)

That changed when someone said they should just hire female directors

Rosenberg said that her initial goal was only to hire more female directors than the first season. During pre-production, they would fill the gaps with male directors. Opportunities for women directors are few and far between. Rosenberg also revealed that the scripts for the season season are almost done, and that shooting is scheduled for … Continue reading "That changed when someone said they should just hire female directors"

So what's the deal between us? Are we just friends, or...?
(30 November 2016)

Well, sometimes we snapchat while she's in the bath, and a couple times over the trip, we'd cuddle in swimsuits, or I'd help clip on her top, or something.
(30 November 2016)

Still though, we've never dated, never felt like there was any sexual tension or anything.
(30 November 2016)

One of her cousins kept joking that we should get married already, and we laughed and played along.
(30 November 2016)

So I got to chill with her for a couple weekends at the beach.
(30 November 2016)

When they went on a road trip to the coast, she actually invited me.
(30 November 2016)

I go over to her house after school and watch Supernatural with her and her sister.
(30 November 2016)

Her family likes me, her mom has gives me rides to rehearsals.
(30 November 2016)

Yet somehow, we've always been close, and our parents get along well.
(30 November 2016)

We have different political views, religious views, etc.
(30 November 2016)

hey guys/ girls im the one you wanna have fun with. I’m looking for people that are disease fre

Union Bridge, Maryland // Sudie:Setting and establish boundaries?(10 November 2016) Sudie:I never responded of course (all done over text). Please, can you share what you went through when breaking off a parent?(10 November 2016) Sudie:She made a joke of it and was very passive aggressive.(10 November 2016) Sudie:It took her less than three hours to already [...]

She said she was just saying hey then she started ignoring me again.
(30 November 2016)

Two months later she texts my phone I ignore her for about two weeks but end up breaking and text her back.
(30 November 2016)

She cheated, dumped me and changed her number four months ago.
(30 November 2016)

She claimed she wanted a future with me and be a family with me and her son.
(30 November 2016)

My ex girlfriend has stabbed me in the back so many times.
(30 November 2016)

Is this blackmail?
(30 November 2016)

The boyfriend threating expose all texts online that blackmail?
(30 November 2016)

He dated this man my friend girlfriend found out and now my friend broke up with his boyfriend.
(30 November 2016)

If you knew that there was a pedophile talking to a 14 year old girl online and having ''skype sex'' with her would you talk to that girl?
(30 November 2016)

I got my friends and myself into a detention?
(30 November 2016)

Hello I am jenn

Plainfield, Connecticut // Madelaine:At first I didn’t think anything about him but now he’s always in my sight and he’s very nice.(8 November 2016) Madelaine:It actually felt like he was interested, they way he acted and looked at me.(8 November 2016) Madelaine:I met a guy at a warehouse and he started talking to me first [...]

I am a 23 year old single mother with a four year old.
(30 November 2016)

What is with this guy?!? HELP?
(30 November 2016)

All I really want is to be friends with him.. does he like me or what?
(30 November 2016)

And laughing a bunch and acting really silly.
(30 November 2016)

And suddenly he starts calling me a bunch of times, and he proposes (definitely jokingly) and he now keeps calling and telling me really weird jokes.
(30 November 2016)

And suddenly he just stops talking to me and he tells my brother that he doesn't want a serious relationship with a girl right now.
(30 November 2016)

And then he starts talking to me in texting.
(30 November 2016)

But he is definitely known as being a joker.
(30 November 2016)

He told my brother that he had a crush on me.
(30 November 2016)

Um so I have this really dysfunctional relationship with my guy friend and so I told him to block me and he did without a word?
(30 November 2016)

The_Committee - Awards Presentations

The_Committee is shortly to post its Blog….. “Awards Presentations - Week 1 in Review - Winter 2015/16 .” It should be with you either later tonight (London time) or at some point on Friday dependin // Shayna:But if we don’t meet people by accident, and they cross our paths for a reason then what would be [...]

This was the sweetest man I ever knew.
(29 November 2016)

Since then we've just been good friends.
(29 November 2016)

This guy and I met last summer.. Were good friends and even were intimate a few times till he got a gf a couple months into it.
(29 November 2016)

What is the daughter of a Chief called in a tribe?
(29 November 2016)

Should i have sex with this girl when she asked?
(29 November 2016)

Should I meet up with girl after 4 years apart? I don't look the same..?
(29 November 2016)

I want to go visit her but I feel like I don't look the same (I was 19 at the time and I'm now 23). I hate the thought of being rejected and what if she remembers me as different and better looking before.
(29 November 2016)

It has now been almost 4 years since we've seen each other.
(29 November 2016)

This girl and I became very close for 5 weeks but due to circumstances she had to move across the country.
(29 November 2016)

How is it possible to break up with her?
(29 November 2016)

Need to read the rules

So after reading the rules to get the extra 6 months free apparently there were some things that I did not complete or follow to get the extra 6 months free. Now that I know the rules I will comply wi // Michelina:On Monday of that week, I asked her if she is available on Wednesday [...]

What do I do and does anyone have any suggestions?
(29 November 2016)

I'm worried that if I sit with the girl who has the mental disorder, people might judge me, and the problem with sitting with the other girl, is that she's friends with the bullies.
(29 November 2016)

There are two other girls who are quite nice but one of them if friends with the rude girls, and the other one has minor Aspergers.
(29 November 2016)

So basically, I was class-friends with this small group of girls but at recess and lunch I sit with other girls (they're my main friends). But my class-friends bullied me recently, so I am not their friend right now.
(29 November 2016)

Please stop changing the category.
(29 November 2016)

How to ask to buy weed from my neighbor?
(29 November 2016)

I have learn to be alone but my friend cannot live alone what should I do?
(29 November 2016)

It makes me sad, but I can't do anything about it.What should I do?
(29 November 2016)

Every time I am away for a long time she is lonesome.
(29 November 2016)

Every time my phone is one she can't talk with me.
(29 November 2016)

Eyes wide open

I’m white male 6′ 180 9” I’m single built ford tough. I’m a professional. i enjoy the outdoors, i enjoy giving an receiving multiple orgasams everyday Your pic gets mine // Delinda:Is it wrong to block a friend on twitter?(10 November 2016) Renea:My daughter is attacking me has ODD?(10 November 2016) Renea:I have tried meds, [...]

I would wanna kiss him earlier but I don't know because of his teeth.
(29 November 2016)

His teeth look like he doesn't take good care of them and it's kinda gross.
(29 November 2016)

We went on a few dates and he really likes me and I really like his personality too & his looks other than his teeth.
(29 November 2016)

I started talking to this guy a couple weeks ago.
(29 November 2016)

Why do only old men like me?
(29 November 2016)

Ive given up :( I look my age, a few years younger infact so its not that I look old.
(29 November 2016)

Ive gone on dating sites and only old men write to me.
(29 November 2016)

Im average weight, blonde,5 ft 8 and im not ugly or anything.
(29 November 2016)

I have never had a guy my age approach me or like me except those two.
(29 November 2016)

I have only had 2 boyfriend's my age in my life, the rest were about 20 years older.
(29 November 2016)

You may need to be discrete when you tip the receptionist and ask for the upgrade

Rather, I will talk about 5 smart travel tips that work and will come in handy when you travel. But you need to be prepared for a very few who might scam you, especially in foreign land. Another variation of this scam can be shuffling your bill to a fake bill and demanding more money._…

No precum unprotected penetration, plan b?
(29 November 2016)

I am curious on the possibility and if anyone has had the same situation and what the possible outcome could be?
(29 November 2016)

My boyfriend and I were being careless, and he inserted maybe an inch of his penis into me (lasted maybe a min) he is positive there was no precum and I took the plan b pill within an hour.
(29 November 2016)

I am 18 and just wondering what is the possibility of being pregnant (I know there is one).
(29 November 2016)

According to my period diary, it was my ovulation date.
(29 November 2016)

It is too late to get plan b as this was Saturday.
(29 November 2016)

I was having sex with my ex, he put it in a few times before putting on a condom, then put one on, came inside of me but when he pulled out realized the condom ripped.
(29 November 2016)

How can I comfort my wife during labor?
(29 November 2016)

How can I comfort her in labor ?
(29 November 2016)

It's our first baby she's excited but she's also scared.
(29 November 2016)


I am a 49 year old sexy, attractive, chocolate black female seeking a sexy black male between the ages of 45-55. I’m 5′3 tall, 152lbs. I don’t drink, smoke or use drugs and disease free and I’m seeking the same. I am a dominate independent woman. I do have photos, however you must send me [...]

Having a good career is good but I'VE TRIED SO HARD TO BE HAPPY WITH MYSELF IGNORING THIS ASPECT OF MY LIFE, It's literarily impossible because it is what I want and denying myself of that is so DAMN DEPRESSING.
(29 November 2016)

Men imagine living for 31 years without a woman liking you and without kissing a woman and tell me if it's possible to remain functional.
(29 November 2016)

I hate people that lack understanding, I hate people that does not understand how HARD It is to live life from a very young age till 31 years of age lonely and single while they see their peers have everything they wished they had.
(29 November 2016)

Your guy friends are constantly talking about their girlfriends, sex etc.
(29 November 2016)

Imagine in 31 years of your life, Not a single woman was a part of your life but they were a part of the every guy around you.
(29 November 2016)

What does it mean when someone says you're energetic and that's a good thing?
(29 November 2016)

I'm in a very complicated love triangle. Advice please?
(29 November 2016)

I still think I love my ex but I also have strong feelings for this new guy.
(29 November 2016)

It makes so much sense to get back with my ex because I have loved him for long and we plan on going to the same college and this other guy plans on going to college hours away from me.
(29 November 2016)

I started to catch feelings for this guy and seriously consider dating him then my ex came back into my life telling me he has sorted out all his issues and was ready to be the amazing boyfriend he had been for so long again.
(29 November 2016)

Please do not use my pictures to sell your items

Use some leftover yarn & a yarn needle to attach buttons securely. If you choose to sell items made from this pattern please link back to me at for credit. TRANSLATIONS: Please do not post a translation of my pattern(s) anywhere._ Phoebe:She surprised me by saying she hoped to see me again and by the [...]

I'm not ugly, but I'm nothing special.
(29 November 2016)

He's technically seen me in person before(we had a class together before I started online school, but we didn't know eachother then, so we didn't really stand out to eachother). Now, even though he insists I am, I'm not very pretty.
(29 November 2016)

He likes me back, and we video chat on weekends.
(29 November 2016)

I'm 15, and theres a guy I really like.
(29 November 2016)

So, this is kind of a weird problem that I have.
(29 November 2016)

I want to leave this relationship i am in for good this time?
(29 November 2016)

I really dont know what else to do.
(29 November 2016)

He somehow always managed to leave at the right time before the police got there.
(29 November 2016)

I have had a protection order out on him but no help.
(29 November 2016)

Its like i have to change jobs, vehicles, and even my daughters school just to get away from him and probably even move states.
(29 November 2016)

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Its wings are made of wafer-thin green jade and its hands clutch a cabochon lavender jade

Jade beads throughout the piece are embedded using the tenon-and-mortise technique. In her outstretched hands is a 4.04-carat fancy intense yellow diamond. Other gems include emerald, pink, yellow and green diamonds and crystal. The second specializes in highly detailed and elaborate Renaissance-inspired pieces made of rare and natural materials._ Mariann:Why do so many people treat … Continue reading "Its wings are made of wafer-thin green jade and its hands clutch a cabochon lavender jade"

We've kissed, but I like to take things slowly and told him, so that's as far as we've got.
(29 November 2016)

We've been dating for a few weeks and he's always been the one to invite me out, for dinner etc.
(29 November 2016)

My crush blocked me because of me going to the same college as her just to be with her but I didn't know she was going to that college!?
(29 November 2016)

My nudes are getting exposed. what to do?
(29 November 2016)

I was being curious and now I fear of my nudes being exposed.
(29 November 2016)

I'm terrified and worried, it was a stupid thing to do, and I regret it.
(29 November 2016)

I'm 15 and a guy, and my nudes are being exposed to my followers on Instagram.
(29 November 2016)

Do wedding planners get more business and make more money planning same-sex marriages today than heterosexual weddings?
(29 November 2016)

Am I oblivious?
(29 November 2016)

Most people I know say I'm oblivious and at first I thought it was a joke but now I think they are serious, and no one will tell me why.
(29 November 2016)

The Metro Vancouver area is home to a lot of great restaurants

Instead, Jules offers your typical diner classics, along with some fresh baked goods and espresso-based caffeination. The menu the rest of the day consists mostly of burgers and sandwiches. You order and pay at the front upon entering, gazing at the menu above your head._ Peggie:She basically told me I’m fat and ugly and thinks he’s [...]

We were together for more than a year.
(29 November 2016)

My fiance left me a week and a half ago.
(29 November 2016)

Please give me any options I can use She told me I'm not allowed to leave the house until I turn 18, except for work or school.
(29 November 2016)

How are services offered?
(29 November 2016)

Emancipation or other options in Idaho?
(29 November 2016)

I just need a way out, I don t care for the sacrifice.
(29 November 2016)

I sound so dramatic but I honestly can t take 10 more months of this.
(29 November 2016)

She s taking away every support I have in my life and it s honestly killing me inside.
(29 November 2016)

I told her in a counseling session yesterday that I don t and we ve been arguing ever since.
(29 November 2016)

She can t accept the fact I don t believe in god.
(29 November 2016)

Wives that watch….

… and then join in.I am definitely an exhibitionist. I found that out during my second threesome when the wife was riding me on the hotel bed and the husband sat in a chair watching and masturbatin // Petronila:I want someone who doesn’t give it up so easy.(9 November 2016) Petronila:I don’t do most of them but [...]

I have an actual family willing to take me for the year, and one of them works in the school system.
(29 November 2016)

I'm fifteen years of age and I have everything set over there.
(29 November 2016)

I'm wanting to become an exchange student to go to Argentina to school for only one year.
(29 November 2016)

Do guys avoid women they like sometimes?
(29 November 2016)

Will he find out our secret?
(29 November 2016)

I can't believe I'm saying this but the fact that it was his girlfriend feels ten times better.
(29 November 2016)

We got to know each other for some time and last night as had sex.
(29 November 2016)

Recently his girlfriend has been talking to me and thought I was cute.
(29 November 2016)

So there's this guy who picks on me and ruins every chance with women who talk to me.
(29 November 2016)

What would You do if you had these thoughts? good story!?
(29 November 2016)

Looking for prince charming

I’m looking for someone who wants to date get to know each other then possibly get married. If you would like to know more, send message and we can go from there. // Joline:I want to message my crush on Facebook.(9 November 2016) Consuelo:Can someone help me figure out how to get my EX [...]

Help me with advice ? I want your HONEST opinions?
(29 November 2016)

Is she my first cousin or second cousin?
(29 November 2016)

And what would i call her by grandniece or some?
(29 November 2016)

My aunts great-grandchild is she first cousin or second?
(29 November 2016)

Why is my ex bf always looking at me?
(29 November 2016)

When I hang out with my guy friend he's always looking at me like non stop.
(29 November 2016)

It's weird because I told my friend to tell him that I still have feelings for him but he said that he kinda don't like me.
(29 November 2016)

He broke up with me before I did(like 5 days earlier) because we didn't hang out much.
(29 November 2016)

I always catch him looking at me, looking upset.
(29 November 2016)

I still have feelings for him, and I wanna get over him but its like I permanently like him.
(29 November 2016)

So you want to be in our friend network?

This is a bit of a pet peeve of ours. Folks with gold memberships that don’t email first before they ask to be in our network of friends without even knowing anything about us or us knowing anything // Suellen:I don’t want to leave because i’m friends with there friends and i don’t have anyone else.(9 [...]

She's divorced and has a golden daughter and a daughter who is the black sheep.
(29 November 2016)

The aunt is a good person but extremely abusive in her words when upset.
(29 November 2016)

I am a nephew and not in a position to lecture an aunt.
(29 November 2016)

Is there a place that simulates, or feels like, the 1940 s?
(29 November 2016)

And i'd love to see the closest thing to it.
(29 November 2016)

Why does time go extremely slow for me, but fast for others?
(29 November 2016)

I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way, because I have never met another person who thinks time passes very slowly.
(29 November 2016)

For example: 7 months to me: Seems like 5 years. 7 months to others: Seems like 3 weeks.
(29 November 2016)

She also likes to join in conversations that I have and put me in conversations that she is having, she compliments me every now and then and says that I bring happy vibes around with me.
(29 November 2016)

I noticed that she will lie about some things, to make it seem like we have stuff in common, for example i asked her what she got on a test one day and she said the same score that I got, despite the fact she was absent last class and didn t take it.
(29 November 2016)

If we are too play with single (s) or attached or Married Women !!? I am looking for a life playmate

Dominants!! We have too respect their privacy for comfort ! To earn trust for play times. Why are we always demanding pictures and videos … A lot of Women will send pictures after some emails and // Tamatha:She is not telling me what I did wrong, if anything.(9 November 2016) Tamatha:She is secretive and holds grudges, very [...]

However sometimes he forgets to respond to texts.
(29 November 2016)

He even liked one of me and my mom. he's always there when I need him and sends long texts of reassurance when i' having a problem.
(29 November 2016)

He is a very accepting person and doesn't give a crap about popularity. he likes my photos but never my selfies.
(29 November 2016)

Over the summer I told him I has anxiety and have gone to counselors many times (i trusted him) is this why he doesn't want me.
(29 November 2016)

He showed signs of interest when we first became friends but not anymore.
(29 November 2016)

He's the nicest down to earth kindest genuine person though.
(29 November 2016)

The only guys I knew were this guy and one more (both of them were very popular) My guy friend played varsity basketball and was very popular with girls.
(29 November 2016)

I was in a clique senior year but in some ways wasn't really a part of it.
(29 November 2016)

I even had some people come up to me and say it.
(29 November 2016)

I find myself very attractive (blonde hair, no acne, smooth skin, average height and weight, good fashion) I don't understand I'm also very confident, outgoing and a cheerleader.
(29 November 2016)

Your strapon or mine?

I’m a good looking, straight guy in mid-forties who is fun, outgoing and personable. I’ve played a few times with women who wore strapons and very much enjoyed it. Please be sane, safe and height/weight proportionate. I’m open to either NSA, dating or possible long-term situation. NOTE please reference something specific from this ad so [...]

Sex after birth with my girlfriend .. how to help her feel at her best?
(29 November 2016)

I make sure they know I'm only interested in short-term.
(29 November 2016)

I'm not dating anyone right now... I am up front when dating.
(29 November 2016)

Why do sometimes men justify cheating?
(29 November 2016)

This question is particularly for men.
(29 November 2016)

My ex was like this...he never cheated but he told me he thought about it, and said it oh so casually. before all you uptight sensitive people get on my butt about it, just to be nice, women justify it too.
(29 November 2016)

You're hurting them less by going behind their back and being scum.
(29 November 2016)

Or, you know, be a decent person and end things.
(29 November 2016)

I've heard men do it, and then they actually tried to give reasons as to why it was okay... If you're not getting enough sex from you're partner, or unsatisfied, or want to try someone new, why be a coward and not talk to them about it?
(29 November 2016)

Do you think Indiana Jones and Lara Croft would get along?
(29 November 2016)

Just thinking of YOU

WetWet, the tears fall down your face.And then I touch you,And You are wet again,But in a much different place. // Phoebe:She thinks she’s better than everybody else and that really makes me mad.(9 November 2016) Phoebe:She’s one of those spoiled, self entitled daddy girls.(9 November 2016) Phoebe:But that woman is just the worst.(9 November 2016) Phoebe:I was never [...]

I ve tried going after nerdy guys or sporty guys and really all types and they don t like me.
(29 November 2016)

I gave up trying to find a relationship and have even tried to have fwb but it seems that s guys don t even want that.
(29 November 2016)

If I don t sleep with them they leave, if I do they leave as well.
(29 November 2016)

I ve never had a guy tell me he likes me and actually mean it.
(29 November 2016)

I ve only been on like three dates and most guys just lose interest super quickly.
(29 November 2016)

I m a 20 year old female and I ve never even come close to being in a relationship.
(29 November 2016)

Can you advise me some songs with present perfect continuous?
(29 November 2016)

If you know some, tell me please.
(29 November 2016)

I'm from Italy and I'm here because my English teacher said that we have to chose a song with that tense and sing it.
(29 November 2016)

Holidays with my Boyfriend?
(29 November 2016)

Hardcore fun

Hey I’m seeking a new friend who is down to earth -D. Let me know if you want to get together for some good sex. I am clean and not bad looking. Send me an email with your face pic if you are looking for some adult fun with an attractive man. // [...]

Back in the vinyl days (which are making a comeback) turntables had pitch controls which allowed you to control the speed - how much can a recording vary from the original before we notice?
(29 November 2016)

He will be on my case, since he knows I want to enlist.
(29 November 2016)

How can I keep this a secret until february?
(29 November 2016)

I am afraid he will completely hate me after I join.
(29 November 2016)

My dad barely wanted me to choose law enforcement, but he finally grew to be okay with it.
(29 November 2016)

Please help! Trouble with parents and my career! What do I do?
(29 November 2016)

I told him how much this means to me but he is saying it's not good and the recruiters are brainwashing.
(29 November 2016)

I really want this and I wish he would accept my decision.
(29 November 2016)

I am too afraid of my dad to go and sign.
(29 November 2016)

Or should I wait until Feb (when I turn 18) to sign myself off?
(29 November 2016)

Cubb looking for a cougar/some one older

Brown athletic guy looking for a cougar I’m 26 got a job and car looking to meet someone and start from there. I’m clean hope you are too. Good looking reply with your age as title and we can start from there. Thank you. // Margot:We hate each other, but now he knows [...]

Whats the best way to go about this, I dont want her to know till she is surprised.
(29 November 2016)

I want to show her my love for all that she has done and gone through by surprising her with a suv so she has room for the twins and have something more reliable.
(29 November 2016)

It hurts me to know she has to go through all the pregnancy while I am gone.
(29 November 2016)

So I am currently deployed and my wife is pregnant with twins.
(29 November 2016)

How can I apologize to her parents and to her?
(29 November 2016)

I am now a good citizen and I stayed away from the teen.
(29 November 2016)

But now I realized my mistakes and I know drugs played a role.
(29 November 2016)

I've done this to many girls before and I got a sentence for 7 years if my family was poor I would likely rot in jail.
(29 November 2016)

She didn't tell anyone out of shame.
(29 November 2016)

I'm a 24 year-old guy and I raped a 14 year-old girl in her bedroom 6 months ago.
(29 November 2016)

It is by no mean a string the dots construction kit type of library

The focus is on dirty, lofi sounds that would fit well into a mix of Boards of Canada or Aphex Twin tracks. The collection also include a dialogues folder full of sound clips from vintage advertising & educational movies. Those public domain cuts have been selected to be useful for anyone seeking worthwhile sound bites … Continue reading "It is by no mean a string the dots construction kit type of library"

My best friend I invited me for a sleepover but my mom doesn't let me go.
(29 November 2016)

My parents are Indian so they are very strict and usually keep me boxed in.
(29 November 2016)

I try to be as repectful as i can but they just keep shouting at me.
(29 November 2016)

My parents and i fight a lot for some reason.
(29 November 2016)

What does his mean about me? Addicted to sex?'?
(29 November 2016)

I dream about it every night and all I do is fantasize about having sex ith guys i find attractive.
(29 November 2016)

Im 17 and still a virgin but thats only because i havnt met anyone i liked enough to give my v card too I stopped watching porn but im still sex obsessed.
(29 November 2016)

I discovered masturbation when I was about 9. I discovered porn when i was around 15. I've always been more mature thn my friends and sex was something i wanted at a very young age.
(29 November 2016)

My daughter is a loser?
(29 November 2016)

She came out to me as gay years ago to but I just don't know what to do with her.
(29 November 2016)

Much of the wealth created in America has been generated by real estate

As you might expect, it is a more involved process than is the case with traditional paper investments. Real estate offers one of the most significant diversifications available compared to traditional paper assets. It is a tangible asset; in fact, it is the largest tangible asset you can hold._ Magdalena:Need advice !?(8 November 2016) Magdalena:And … Continue reading Much of the wealth created in America has been generated by real estate

I do love him and care about him so much.
(29 November 2016)

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years.
(29 November 2016)

I can move to another city with my friend and two other roommates so we can split the cost of living or i can stay in my city.
(29 November 2016)

I have two plans that i have came up with.
(29 November 2016)

My mom said that i have 6-8months to save money and get out her house.
(29 November 2016)

Unhealthy Hanbit?
(29 November 2016)

I live in Bangladesh. The guy i like lives in Norway - how do I get him to respond to me?!?
(29 November 2016)

And how do get him to respond to my advances?
(29 November 2016)

But he's been single for about 8 months now.
(29 November 2016)

I know for a fact that he was in a 4 year long serious relationship that ended rough.
(29 November 2016)

i just make the best of the gift of life that has been given to me .

Hamilton, Bermuda // Loraine:I get yelled at for everything the music I listen to,what I say, how i dress,things I have no control over like what someone else says, something someone else does, posting photos of people who aren’t me etc.(9 November 2016) Dedra:Do I apologize to him?(9 November 2016) Dedra:I’m sorry for where it [...]

Why is my best friend being mean and distant?
(28 November 2016)

We have class together so we have brunch before class every other day... he stop coming.
(28 November 2016)

But he gets upset if I don't answer my phone.
(28 November 2016)

When I call him it goes to voicemail.
(28 November 2016)

I don't know what I did and say to him.
(28 November 2016)

We were REALLY and made MANY memories... but now he has been really mean and distant with me for the past three weeks.
(28 November 2016)

We've been friends for almost 2 years and that doesn't seem like enough, but we're in college and we see each other every day.
(28 November 2016)

I have a best friend who is a guy.
(28 November 2016)

Recently got diagnosed with epilepsy, going through a bit of a rough patch. How'd you get through it?
(28 November 2016)

How'd you get through it, do you know of or do you have epilepsy?
(28 November 2016)

Been on here before, will it be different this time?

Colorado Springs, Colorado // Coreen:In a Girl, which one is more important? Butt, or boobs?(9 November 2016) Coreen:I know that the inside and etc etc.(9 November 2016) Angelena:Psychotic girlfriend and semen?(9 November 2016) Angelena:I feel so violated and I’m in such mental distress over the situation.(9 November 2016) Angelena:Is there genuine concern that should be had?(9 November [...]

She is always with her friends that are also from the same high school, but I don t know them ether.
(28 November 2016)

I know she knows who I am, but I don t know how to approach her.
(28 November 2016)

Now that she goes to the same college as me, I think she is even more attractive then she was in high school and I want to approach her soon.
(28 November 2016)

Unfortunately we didn t get to meet each other in high school since we were never put in the same classes.
(28 November 2016)

I like this girl that I kinda thought was cute in high school.
(28 November 2016)

How to talk to a girl you don't know online?
(28 November 2016)

I found out where she work's (we'really both in high school) Should I go to the store where she works and meet her?
(28 November 2016)

I followed her, but she didn't follow me back.
(28 November 2016)

She's smart, pretty, funny, and we have so many things in common (based on her twitter profile) we live pretty close in distance.
(28 November 2016)

So I was on twitter and came across this girls page and I really want to get to know her.
(28 November 2016)

Ask Me Out!

Greetings! I’m a single white female. Tall, warm, classy, caring, sensual, sultry, and intelligent. I believe in every living legend who dedicates their lives to help others to succeed including local military personnel! My philosophy is to live, and love life to the fullest ,and I never let the little stumbling blocks hold me back. [...]

Btw my parents live in another country.
(28 November 2016)

Even says that I waste too much water by taking showers everyday.
(28 November 2016)

Living with sis but she is kicking me out.
(28 November 2016)

Not enough money to get a car or apartment.
(28 November 2016)

I have less than $100 in my wallet.
(28 November 2016)

The reason is that I am in desperate need.
(28 November 2016)

If my girlfriend gave me a gift card and then broke up with me the next day is it inappropriate to use it with another girl?
(28 November 2016)

Why do most girls like guys who treat them bad?
(28 November 2016)

Is it unattractive for a man to have soft hands, and a hairless body?
(28 November 2016)

I do not play sports as I do not want to get arthritis, break legs and sports is too repetitive and boring.
(28 November 2016)

“Dream” About Me?

Upon one of my siestas today, a particular person I’ve been having correspondence with did enter into my subconscious at last. Unfortunately I didn’t remember much of it, since it was so brief // Portia:I had a miscarriage in 2011 and it s taken us 5 years to get pregnant again.(8 November 2016) Portia:I got my hcg [...]

Is my husband supposed to do the same for everything for me too?
(28 November 2016)

I did everything for him and there are some things I didn't like but I did them for him.
(28 November 2016)

But he won't do the same thing to my family for me.
(28 November 2016)

His dad and I had a fight too and I don't like his dad but I was being nice to him and let him come over our old apartment and am willing to be around him because he is my husband's father and I loved him and tried to be a good wife.
(28 November 2016)

He has been not willing to be around my family and we have been fighting about my family a lot for a few years because I wanted everyone to get along.
(28 November 2016)

They have been trying to be nice to him for a few years...invited him to do things with them, offered him things, and gave him money for his birthday but he refused to all and never thanked them for money.
(28 November 2016)

I want to get married to my house?
(28 November 2016)

When do you think it is appropriate for kids to experience sex?
(28 November 2016)

I don't have any cramps what so ever (i get that every single time before my period). I have bad bloating for a few days &then no bloating at all along with extreme hunger &days where I can't eat anything.
(28 November 2016)

I have had unprotected sex twice both with him cumming in me.
(28 November 2016)

Dominant man seeking submissive lady

I am seeking a relationship with an attractive, over 40, non smoker, HWP and submissive woman. I am in my late 50’s, educated, ex military and HWP. I am a very Dominant male who could be described as kinky too. Being affectionate and romantic might be a dichotomy, but that is me. I realize this [...]

I feel like kicking my baby in the face?
(28 November 2016)

But in class he never looks at me :( Does this boy like me ?
(28 November 2016)

My boyfriend hasn t texted me in 12 days?
(28 November 2016)

Ex boyfriend dumped me, now he says he tried to friendship,but I am mean to him and it s getting on he s nerve that I won t be his friend?
(28 November 2016)

Teenage girls only?
(28 November 2016)

She started to flirt with me a little bit, and the next thing I knew my friend put her arm around my waste and put her other hand on my torso, and seemed to get a little more of a serious tone to her.
(28 November 2016)

We all started laughing and having a good time.
(28 November 2016)

Anyway, while we were talking, a a girl about my age whow I knew approached us and started talking.
(28 November 2016)

Anyway, about two days ago, me and her were laughing and having a good time at this concert we were at.
(28 November 2016)

I don't hold with marital infidelity, nor will I be party to it.
(28 November 2016)

Happy Oral Sex Appreciation Day!

It’s on the internet, so it must be true.[image]Indulge Responsibly.. // Yvonne:I was shocked, and even though I don’t love him like a boyfriend, I told him I wanted to try and see if we’d be good together but he said he didn’t want me to pity date him even though it wouldn’t be like that.(8 [...]

Im a really busy person and having a newborn keeps me busier so I only have time to pump about 4 times a day sometimes 5. Is that enough to maintain my milk supply till at least 6 months?
(28 November 2016)

Basically, I don't want to lose any friendships, and I don't want to have to lie.
(28 November 2016)

I don't want to ruin my friendship, but I feel like I would want to know if I was in that situation.
(28 November 2016)

I'm super close to both, but I just found out that one of them is cheating.
(28 November 2016)

I have 2 best friends that are dating.
(28 November 2016)

Very exciting but confusing relationship. Advice for a weekend getaway with someone I haven't know that long? (crazy story)?
(28 November 2016)

And how to make it unforgettable for both of us?
(28 November 2016)

Still, should I take anything into consideration?
(28 November 2016)

We have fun, sex is great, it will probably go well and will be mostly about having fun.
(28 November 2016)

Truth is I don't know him super well, he's a great guy, that I know.
(28 November 2016)

Looking for a submissive black or asian

I am a mature retired white male . i am looking for a black or Asian submissive female for ltr.looking for someone to have a future with . lets start by meeting for lunch // Reita:My dad is slowing moving, my brother said he was asked by him how he’d feel about another [...]

We texted for two months then I blocked her number because I wasn t interested.
(28 November 2016)

This woman started texting me out of the blue one morning wanting to date me.
(28 November 2016)

Help!!! Does he like me??
(28 November 2016)

I liked this guy for 2 years and he knows.He is really shy but kinda cute.He asks like he likes me alot (By staring,smiling and ect.) and all of his guy friends says so but when my friend asked he said no.
(28 November 2016)

I want to kiss a BAD BOY, HOW do I FLIRT with hot dudes?
(28 November 2016)

When you and your crush hangout and she disappears after a couple of weeks , when u see her she acts like nothing happen what does that mean ?
(28 November 2016)

Ted talk ideas?
(28 November 2016)

I'm an eighth grade student unenthusiastic and we have to do a ted talk video for my ted talk class and i need some ideas.
(28 November 2016)

I just found out I m pregnant and I m terrified. Abusive ex boyfriend. Help!?
(28 November 2016)

I think I m about 6 weeks along.
(28 November 2016)


Guys, Be warned of this nut case. A serial poster, every day for the past 6-8 months, each saying how she just got into town, can’t speak English and has no friends. If you reply to her, she just tells you to fuk off. Wacko wacko woman also uses these posting titles… Re UNE RELATION [...]

Also I love funny guys who have a bit of a bad boy way about hen.
(28 November 2016)

I love to be creative and I am working on my new YouTube channel.
(28 November 2016)

People describe me as adorable and beautiful.
(28 November 2016)

I'm also talented (not bragging, just giving you an idea of what I'm like so you can tell me the answer to my question) I sing, act, dance and write.
(28 November 2016)

I keep to myself in beclass cause I like being a unique individual, and I don't fit in with those kids in my classes.
(28 November 2016)

I have very light olive skin and blue gray eyes.
(28 November 2016)

I have long wavy soft brown hair, with natural looking blonde streaks through it.
(28 November 2016)

Still a virgin?
(28 November 2016)

I know it's ridiculous because I'm so young, but I've never been in a relationship before and I feel like nobody's ever going to like me and want to try things with me.
(28 November 2016)

I feel very behind and almost like I missed the train.
(28 November 2016)

Le Saint-James does and I got to look at their on property winery

I seemed to have moved to Bordeaux at just the right time when the Port of the Moon is becoming a culinary powerhouse in France. I opted to miss the harvest and barbecue party to stay home and spend time with her, as we were anticipating an ominous outcome._ Darnell:How do I get past the … Continue reading "Le Saint-James does and I got to look at their on property winery"

Feeling like I need to commit but I don t.
(28 November 2016)

For a week and one day I have been very nauseated.
(28 November 2016)

How to deal with a friend that acts stupid or immature and also naive?
(28 November 2016)

I love her but I don't know how much of this I can take anymore because we are basically adults and she still does the same things from middle and she not the best judge of character and she ends up bringing bad people around me at times.
(28 November 2016)

When we were younger my friend would act stupid for attention and she still does and she is 18 now it's getting kind of old and it's not cute.
(28 November 2016)

I sent nudes at 13?
(28 November 2016)

How do I tell this girl my real age online?
(28 November 2016)

I know that she will probably not trust me, or maybe even break off our friendship.
(28 November 2016)

I know I should't have done it in the first place, and she's the only one I've ever lied to.
(28 November 2016)

But she confessed way sooner, I haven't yet because I'm an idiot.
(28 November 2016)

Commercial interior design is quite different from Residential space interior design

In fact, there is a whole new industry based upon designing for a commercial space. The task poses a set of challenges that one would not have to bother while designing for a residential space. Along with the space planning, the furniture should also be functional to the commercial unit._ Jackeline:I asked her if she … Continue reading Commercial interior design is quite different from Residential space interior design

I don't know what to do, should I continue to bring it with me?
(28 November 2016)

Bracelets aren't really my thing and the colors aren't my favorite either.
(28 November 2016)

If it helps, I'm a guy and she's a girl.
(28 November 2016)

Everytime she sees that I'm not wearing it, she'll always point it out, as if it was a crime.
(28 November 2016)

I've worn it for a couple of days and after I started to put it in my pocket when I go to school instead of wearing it on my wrist.
(28 November 2016)

I didnt tell her because one, it's rude to say so, two it's still a gift and three she easily gets offended and hurt.
(28 November 2016)

So my friend, (that for a while now I don't really consider a friend due to how she jokes about me, how she talks to me and how she always thinks she knows me better than anyone), gave me a bracelet as bday gift, but I don't really like it.
(28 November 2016)

Did I ruin my kids?
(28 November 2016)

The dads are out of my kid's lifes.
(28 November 2016)

I need a real job and a husbamd.
(28 November 2016)

Projects submitted from over 170 countries take part each year in the awards

For 2017 innovative projects and smart technologies from around the world are invited to take part again. But also projects that focus on the creation of awareness in these areas will be eligible to participate. Every individual, private or public institution, companies, NGOs, etc. can submit a project.

I could use some professional advice on how to break this habbit.
(8 November 2016)

He never eats veggies. and he refuses to try new stuff.
(8 November 2016)

But now we regret it cost wise and nutrition wise, albeit he eats plenty of fruit.
(8 November 2016)

We have spoiled him making him only desired foods that we felt like he would enjoy.
(8 November 2016)

I need help, we have did everything wrong when it comes to feeding our child.
(8 November 2016)

What's up with him. Please help a girl out!?
(8 November 2016)

He ignored me but said he likes me.
(8 November 2016)

Do you think he told his parents?
(8 November 2016)

It is really awkward to see his parents sometimes since I don't knows if he told them what happened.
(8 November 2016)

He asked me when and just nothing.
(8 November 2016)


I'm 14, how can I leave state alone?
(28 November 2016)

I just wish I could have money to pay for a get-away and be old enough to actually live my life.
(28 November 2016)

And, no, I don't want to take a typical vacation.
(28 November 2016)

I want to get away from school for a while so I need to figure something out by holiday vacation.
(28 November 2016)

I just want to go somewhere with my family and friends knowing I'm gone so they wouldn't worry.
(28 November 2016)

But I'm only 14. I can't drive out of state and I don't want to run away.
(28 November 2016)

I need to lose contact with all humans and just be alone.
(28 November 2016)

I don't exactly know how to explain it, I just need to go far away.
(28 November 2016)

How do you think he feels over the break up? Was breaking the right thing to do?
(28 November 2016)

He hasn t talked to me since I broke things off.
(28 November 2016)