Sunday 27 November 2016

Blogging. . …need your naughtiest story

I am writing a blog and this month is women’s secret slutty moments. Tell me a true short slutty moment you had in your life, please be truthful . . .. . .. . .. . …it’s really amazing that the naughty stories are very similar and quite common and normal. // Jacki:I [...]

This means I only see my sister every five days.
(26 November 2016)

Our relationship was never good in the first place but anyways I moved out to my dad's but I have to go back to her house every four weeks or so for the weekend.
(26 November 2016)

I don't like him and neither does my little sister so it kinda tipped the icebuge between my mom and I.
(26 November 2016)

So two months ago my mom go remarried to a guy she's known for less than a year.
(26 November 2016)

Why won't my mom let me go to my boyfriends house? How can I convince her?
(26 November 2016)

What can I do this is killing me....
(26 November 2016)

I've been over to his house once before, and his mom was home and she was fine but that was before she knew he was my boyfriend.
(26 November 2016)

I ask my mom to go to his house so that way we can just relax for once and she gets very mad and starts going on and on about how he is a horny teenage boy and he could try to have sex with me.
(26 November 2016)

I'm 14, and my boyfriend is 16. He lives around 30 minutes from me and we don't go to the same school so I only get to see him once or twice a week max, and when I do where always going out and doing things and sometimes I just want to relax.
(26 November 2016)

17 year old boyfriend christmas present?
(26 November 2016)

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