Saturday 26 November 2016

i m astha singh i m hot

Old Delhi, Delhi, India // Augustina:How to hide feelings from a girl you like who’s a friend?(6 November 2016) Lauri:Why do I become more attracted when seeing my sister in a bikini in front of me rather than from a picture?(6 November 2016) Lauri:Recently, this year on vacation during Spring Break, we decided to go [...]

I've been seeing a guy for 6 months long distance.
(25 November 2016)

Ive know this girl for maybe 5 years we were best friends and then we got to high school and I stopped talking to her and no we text like once every 10 months how do I get that fire back?
(25 November 2016)

I am 16, I have braces, I wear glasses, and I get bullied. Advice?
(25 November 2016)

The girl that dm me lost her virginity at 15 and she is turning 17 in January.
(25 November 2016)

One girl on Twitter dm me and told me that no man will ever want me, guys hate girls who wear braces past 15, and that guys hate blue eyed brunettes.
(25 November 2016)

Kids call me nerd, ugly, and the weird girl.
(25 November 2016)

Any suggestions on what I should do or give him?
(25 November 2016)

My boyfriend and I will be dating for two years next week, and I have been looking everywhere on what to get him or what to do for him.
(25 November 2016)

I miss my
(25 November 2016)

What should I do? Should I ask this girl to lunch?
(25 November 2016)

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