Tuesday 1 November 2016

Let us explore the world of financial markets together

Does our money work equally hard for us? As per this we are in tricky B wave which may be over or may get over at anytime. The most likely scenario is some correction and then fresh highs by Diwali. This will fulfill the rangebound criteria as the same levels will be traversed in both … Continue reading Let us explore the world of financial markets together

But he was so nice to me and told me to text him and he left me hanging which is annoying.
(1 November 2016)

If he would've told me he just wanted sex that would've been enough for me.
(1 November 2016)

I'm not going to message him again.
(1 November 2016)

It's been 3 days and he still didn't say anything.
(1 November 2016)

He told me to text him that day, and I did.
(1 November 2016)

In the morning he drove me home, and on the way he was asking me more questions and he was still saying nice stuff to me and he gave me his phone number.
(1 November 2016)

Every time I stirred he would wake up and tell me to calm down, and that everything was alright and that he was there and he would pet my hair and kiss me.
(1 November 2016)

After we did it he held me as he slept and I couldn't sleep because of my insomnia.
(1 November 2016)

I'm not an idiot- I knew we would end up hooking up.
(1 November 2016)

Well we were at the party and everyone started to go home around 7 in the morning, and him and I ended up staying in the guest bedroom and we had protected sex.
(1 November 2016)

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