Tuesday 1 November 2016

One of the funnier ways to meet

Pretty well educated, speak 5 languages…I simply love intelligent and witty conversation! The kind that can go on and on as the time flies by. Let me get to the silly, I am joining a group in my grad school that calls for a pretty crazy task. I have to met someone who would be [...]

I feel really bad, because she's a sweet girl, but god why is he even with her.
(31 October 2016)

Is this guy interested in me based off what he does?
(31 October 2016)

Is this guy into me based off what he does?
(31 October 2016)

He also hovers around where I am to talk to me, if I get distracted he doesn't leave my area he'll wait til I come back to talk to him.
(31 October 2016)

Also, when he leaves an walks away he looks back at me smiles and waves.
(31 October 2016)

A male friend of mine talks to me all the time but I've noticed if we are in a group of mutual friends and he leaves he'll wave, smile and say bye and my name but doesn't say bye to the rest of the group.
(31 October 2016)

Is my best friend gay or just clingy?
(31 October 2016)

He's also kinda touchy feely and likes to sit really close to me.. He always calls be big brother but I'm starting to think something else is going on.. do you think he's gay?
(31 October 2016)

He's let me see him cry on numerous occasions.. like with breakups.
(31 October 2016)

My best friend has always been somewhat of an emotional and sentimental guy.. one time I was gone for about a week out of town and he said he missed me.
(31 October 2016)

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