Saturday 26 November 2016

Seeking Experienced Dom

I am a married bbw looking for a Daddy Dom for ltr. I’m not looking to change my situation but not looking for a one night stand either. I’ve always had a submissive side that I’ve never been able to explore, and it’s something I just can’t ignore any more. For those familiar with this [...]

How can i make a guy like me through text? were very good friends but ive fallen for him?
(25 November 2016)

I want to try to get him to like me through text, so maybe at the next convention something could happen.
(25 November 2016)

I still dont understand, even our other friends were wondering when we would hook up cause they thought we were into each other.
(25 November 2016)

I thought i wasnt the only one that was falling. after the convention we constantly texted each other and eventually i said that i really liked him... but he said he liked me as a friend.
(25 November 2016)

When i had to say goodbye to him i hugged him so tight, and he hugged me very tight back.
(25 November 2016)

We did everything together there, we even cuddled at the end.
(25 November 2016)

So during this convention i really fell for him, and how could i not.
(25 November 2016)

This convention included people from alabama and tennessee. so hes from alabama and im from tennessee. the only time i will see him again is at the next convention.
(25 November 2016)

I REALLY like this guy, i met him at a convention.
(25 November 2016)

Husband not sexually attracted to me..?
(25 November 2016)

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