Monday 28 November 2016

What a great idea !!!

Become a Top FAN… is a new program geared towards us members…it can most benefit us ’standard’ members and I am thankful for the opportunity to say that I have made (possibly) a new friend from th // Kala:3 year old keeps coughing and throwing up?(8 November 2016) Kala:Has anyone had this happen to their child?(8 November [...]

No kiss, we didn't date, we just talked.
(27 November 2016)

It is like he tries to get back at me for something.
(27 November 2016)

I saw him online so it is not like he had an accident and passed away or that he didn't have chance to cancel.
(27 November 2016)

He didn't call, or showed up either.
(27 November 2016)

But after so much insistency and begging, he stood up on me.
(27 November 2016)

He said 5 was perfect and that we will call me Saturday early before he comes over.
(27 November 2016)

I provided an address of the place we arranged to meet up yesterday at 5 pm.
(27 November 2016)

He said pleaseee and begged me to please give him a chance to explain personally.
(27 November 2016)

I refused because I didn't trust him.
(27 November 2016)

A year passed and he reached out to me.
(27 November 2016)

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