Monday 28 November 2016

Where are all the single women

Hello there thanks for reading my post. I’m not much of a drinker. I dont smoke either. I’m not a fan of the bar scene. I’m an average homebody usually sipping wine one in a while and watching Netflix alot. I’m very open minded and I love to cuddle and I like chick flicks a [...]

I know he isn t the best at talking to girls, but I don t even know if that s the reason he s icing me.
(27 November 2016)

I messaged him and sent him a vid of me for conformation.
(27 November 2016)

I recently made a snapchat and that mutual friend, again, came through and gave me his snap.
(27 November 2016)

I text not too often but he never seems to reply.
(27 November 2016)

So there s this guy I like and I got his number from a mutual friend a while ago.
(27 November 2016)

My family makes me feel worthless?
(27 November 2016)

Whenever I m with my family I say or do something that makes me feel stupid, my family will make fun of me for it.
(27 November 2016)

What does it mean when your ex bf says this to you?
(27 November 2016)

Please help me , anyone ....?
(27 November 2016)

I just want to know why im feeling this way and hot to forget about it.
(27 November 2016)

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