Tuesday 27 December 2016


On this day in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln offers his conciliatory plan for reunification of theUnited Stateswith his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. By this point in the Civil War, it //meelp.com/blog/426692/post_3741148.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Lester:My dad tried to get someone for hours and it was super dark.(5 December 2016) Lester:Which they didn’t have cellphone cuz they couldn’t afford it [...]

The kids today are out of line and are way too far into adult business.
(26 December 2016)

I get up here and see nosy kids in their parents relations. when I was growing up I could care less what my mother and father was doing because it was none of my business in the first place nor did I care.
(26 December 2016)

My husband and I have been stalking his ex wife?
(26 December 2016)

Can my husbands ex wife pick and choose who gets to stalk her?
(26 December 2016)

She told my husband that I could not be a part of this or she will go to police.
(26 December 2016)

But now his ex wife is mad because she caught us stalking her.
(26 December 2016)

I think i should reword the question.
(26 December 2016)

What to do. I send gifts to far away grandchildren and never hear one word?
(26 December 2016)

Their mother is my sons X and even he never hears anything. should I still send them?
(26 December 2016)

I have to use Tracking through the post office so I know they were delivered.
(26 December 2016)

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