Wednesday 28 December 2016

Big props to them for promoting individual health AND the health of the environment

In order to thrive mentally and physically, we need to feel our best. As a huge fan of natural remedies, I decided to investigate and I must say I am quite impressed with their product line. To determine if a supplement is right for you, a little homework and research is necessary._ Isadora:I have absolutely…

Could I bee too independent for a serious realtionship?
(28 December 2016)

Could it possibly be just I don't have the right personality to date?
(28 December 2016)

It seems like relationships are more exhausting to me than they are to other people, like I get worn down easy with them.
(28 December 2016)

A year seems like forever to be when I'm in a realtionship.
(28 December 2016)

I just can't see myself with anyone for more than a year.
(28 December 2016)

I don't like the idea of having to make decisions as a couple, or compromising.
(28 December 2016)

I get irritated really easy when guys become too emotional dependent on me.
(28 December 2016)

Any more than 2 times a week and I feel suffocated.
(28 December 2016)

I'm fine with only seeing my boyfriend once a week, even once every two weeks is ok.
(28 December 2016)

I need way more space than most women.
(28 December 2016)

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