Thursday 29 December 2016

He just stood there in his pajamas with the hose pouring water over his head

ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. My step-son is 14 and along with the normal challenges of raising a teenager, autism increases the challenges in our household. The other day at 7:30 in the morning, he walked outside and turned on the hose._ Shaun:Why are women.?(8 December 2016) Malorie:Anyone … Continue reading "He just stood there in his pajamas with the hose pouring water over his head"

I have great hygiene and my personality is fantastic, my best friend says all the time that no girl would ever pass me up.
(29 December 2016)

My face is slightly above average and my body is in great shape.
(29 December 2016)

Where is Lady Mustardgreens tonight?
(29 December 2016)

She was supposed to meet me at Collards for our weekly cotton ball class.
(29 December 2016)

M I actuaaly making decisions on my own? Am i doing something wrong?
(29 December 2016)

My mom gets upset and tells me I have been making decisions without her.
(29 December 2016)

Then I told my boss that I can't come at the time, that I might come alittle bit later.
(29 December 2016)

Then I ordered some perfumes and cremes online for my mom and I told her I was doing it.
(29 December 2016)

I ordered christmas presents online and I didn't use a coupon.
(29 December 2016)

Here are a few examples: I chosed choir over my cna class.
(29 December 2016)

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