Vargas was trying to not get overwhelmed, but Pacquiao was bouncing all around him. Vargas landed a nice right hand late in the round, but otherwise seemed frustrated at his inability to catch him. Pacquiao landed a straight left that popped Vargas. Vargas is loading up on the right hand._ Samira:I’m a straight guy, so don’t [...]
He's more egotistical to me now and it sucks cause he wouldn't end our relationship over weed.
(23 December 2016)
I feel like before he loved us so much that breaking up wasn't an option and now he claims he's just fed up of all the small fights.
(23 December 2016)
So he's been lying to my face in the past when he would agree to that.I told him to change that and he said no then we should break up because I'm not accepting him for who he is-someone who is a pot head basically.
(23 December 2016)
This smoking topic is something we've discussed in the past about me only allowing him to smoke when he's with me.
(23 December 2016)
I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and I love this guy to death but he recently opened up to me saying he's been smoking practically every day before bed because he likes it and sometimes because he's stressed.
(23 December 2016)
Why doesn't my ex want to be with me?
(23 December 2016)
He broke up with me partly saying he doesn't want a girlfriend and claims he doesn't miss me, but just a few weeks before it ended he was telling me How much he loved having someone he can cuddle and he would be devastated if we weren't together?
(23 December 2016)
He said he is so happy he found someone who he gets on with and that he actually loves.
(23 December 2016)
He used to always call me beautiful, said I was like a trophy girlfriend, all his friends would big him up about me etc.
(23 December 2016)
I used to be happy, warm, and have a lot of friends. Now I'm not. What's happening?
(23 December 2016)
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