Saturday 31 December 2016

I get it now…

So this is about assholes who lose their marbles…. about a good 8 years ago i met a man, i was dumb and horny as fuck so i met this guy without seeing a picture of him. i met him in my parents field // Vannessa:Using people, getting easily offended, making me feel like crap, complaining, [...]

If I was turned down by my friend who I have a crush on how long should I wait before revisiting the question?
(29 December 2016)

She said no, because we are too good of friends.
(29 December 2016)

For context I asked her out to dinner on a date 6 months ago right before the start of our junior year of college.
(29 December 2016)

(Girls!) would a girl make love with ugly guy?
(29 December 2016)

Say the guy gets the girl with his attractive personality and confidence, but he's super fugly, would a girl still have sex with him then, or would she still want him to look good in appearance?
(29 December 2016)

Is he just shy or uninterested?
(29 December 2016)

Do you think of less of white women when they date black guys?
(29 December 2016)

I almost had sex with one her pussy was disgusting I try hard to forget.
(29 December 2016)

I know I do from meeting mudsharks they seem to be a type of girl i want to stay clear of.
(29 December 2016)

I really need the name of this flowers. Anyone?
(29 December 2016)

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