Friday, 23 December 2016

It seems that Washington understood the link between political freedom and economic freedom

To be controlled in our economic pursuits means to be always controlled unless we declare our specific purpose. When the colonies did not acquiesce, the British government resorted to progressively more forceful measures. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action._ … Continue reading "It seems that Washington understood the link between political freedom and economic freedom"

My moms bfs daughter and I like the same room.
(23 December 2016)

The house has 5 bedrooms and they are all different sizes.
(23 December 2016)

Okay so my mom and her boyfriend, my brother, sister, his daughter, and I were looking at a house.
(23 December 2016)

Middle name possibilities?
(23 December 2016)

Most of the names are family names.
(23 December 2016)

Here are a list of names I like for potential middle names.
(23 December 2016)

Insecure about my nose?
(23 December 2016)

Hey guys i'm 18 and I have a beak like nose, I was very insecure about it when I was 12-15 but grew to be okay with having it, i'm just asking how big of a turn off for men is a beak like nose?
(23 December 2016)

I'm attracted to my younger sister pls help!?
(23 December 2016)

I don't know if this is weird or something but I'm scared.
(23 December 2016)

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