Tuesday 27 December 2016

Still Curious at Our Age?

Looking for a Young Lady 55-65 who has not done all that she has set out to do sexually. No need to be in that position. I am a bit curious myself about some things. Looking for an adventurous lady who will feel at ease with me. I am normal but goofy and I will [...]

It's funny to cause I was kind of expecting her to be uncomfortable with it, just at the starting she just asked a couple questions about me to confirm it was me.
(26 December 2016)

When she who I was and I reminded her, she was actually really friendly and open to talk, so we just ended up texting for a while.
(26 December 2016)

This actually happened to me once when I texted girl I had met several months prior but didn't really carry anything on with her when I got her number.
(26 December 2016)

If your answers no, how would you feel if a guy did that to you?
(26 December 2016)

Has this ever happened to you before where you met a guy you had very little contact with and then after several just decides to text you for the hell of it just to talk?
(26 December 2016)

Say six months down the road he texts you, but you're not sure who it is at first until he reminds you.
(26 December 2016)

Say if you meet a guy at a party or just anywhere basically, and you exchange numbers, and he texts you like once for a while but never strikes up another conversation with you after that.
(26 December 2016)

Should I get an STI test?
(26 December 2016)

This happened and I filmed it and after he had finished I then performed oral sex on her and he filmed me.
(26 December 2016)

It soon escalated to where we arranged for me to get her drunk and she pass out then he would come into our house and have unprotected sex with her whilst she was unconscious.
(26 December 2016)

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