Tuesday 31 January 2017

I want to fulfill some fantasies!

Bradford, Pennsylvania //meelp.com/profile/greenstratus96 Kenna:Is there any site that categorize people by multiple interests so I can find a friend with same hobbies?(30 January 2017) Kenna:I am looking for friends from different countries.(30 January 2017) Camille:How to get people to stop asking me to send them my homework?(30 January 2017) Camille:Please help me come up with excuses [...]

What do I say if he asks about it?
(31 January 2017)

My sleeve had rolled up a bit and I'm positive he saw my cuts... What do I do?
(31 January 2017)

I was at an acting class and was sitting down next to this boy when I noticed him staring at my wrist.
(31 January 2017)

Confusing feelings of the notorious 20s? Should I not see him again?
(31 January 2017)

I don't want to be heartbroken again, but I in my heart can't wait to be around him again.
(31 January 2017)

I mean, I'm a few months older, but I've had my share of bad relationships and have no desire to mess around.
(31 January 2017)

Him still being young, not much could have changed in my absence, no?
(31 January 2017)

We're going out this weekend, but I guess I'm asking if you think I will regret this?
(31 January 2017)

It was no contact temporarily, but he reached out to me a few times.
(31 January 2017)

But, I stopped talking to him, about 8 months ago because I felt like he still needed to be and wanted to be single.
(31 January 2017)

Here are 9 actions you can take to protect them

Plus they are the darlings of the internet. But if you change the litter box every day, you lower your risk of infection (and stinky litter smell) substantially. Even though many, many people are infected, few ever get symptoms. Just be extra vigilant while you are pregnant._ Isis:I believe I am an innocent person who … Continue reading "Here are 9 actions you can take to protect them"

Our schools don't play each other again in basketball or else I would try to say something.
(30 January 2017)

I don't have instagram otherwise I would probably follow him on that.
(30 January 2017)

He isn't really flirty or anything, at least i don't think so.
(30 January 2017)

I went to a basketball game and I saw him there and he stood out.
(30 January 2017)

So there is a boy that goes to a different school and he is really cool and nice but I never said anything to him before.
(30 January 2017)

Why dont people realize when your boyfriend beats you he loves you?
(30 January 2017)

He is putting him self at risk which shows how much he loves me.
(30 January 2017)

(30 January 2017)

Hopefully, I'll look back and think about how stupid this all is.
(30 January 2017)

I'm also not trolling or anything.
(30 January 2017)

Shaved Pussy and Shaved Balls – why does anyone care?

It is in the media, on the web and of course on many dating/meetup websites. Folks clearly indicate their pubic grooming care and for some… they do not really care. The purpose of this blog is jus_ Louisa:Griffon… for a girl?(31 January 2017) Louisa:I have red hair and freckles and I think it would kinda maybe suit [...]

This guy friend started showing interest in me, teasing & flirting with me, holding my hand, etc.
(30 January 2017)

How do i get my ex back? he has a girlfriend?
(30 January 2017)

She s angry at me, what should i do?
(30 January 2017)

Also, funny thing is 4 people at the start of school approached me in her abroad program saying that she told them we were dating when she was abroad.....
(30 January 2017)

We went back and forth but obviously i was saying the most and she was keeping it very cut and dry saying she was mad at me and didnt want to talk about this right now.
(30 January 2017)

I was very shocked and apologized and really tried to meet in person she said she was mad at me right now and didnt want to talk, but she said she believed everything they said.
(30 January 2017)

This is all completely false and tbh i would never do anything like this.
(30 January 2017)

This weekend though she was being weird i asked her if everything was okay, she said she heard rumors from multiple sources that I had told a bunch of people in my frat that we were dating and i showed them nudes and we shouldnt talk anymore.
(30 January 2017)

She just got back to campus and things have been going well, we were hanging out taking things slow it seemed to be going not that bad.
(30 January 2017)

I agreed, we both talked to and hooked up with other people.
(30 January 2017)

All great times to sit down and eat a bunch of yummy appetizers

Work parties, parties with friends, picnic dinners with the family. They had BLT cups and caesar salad cups. I thought about recreating these but already had shredded chicken on hand. Place a wonton wrapper in each cup. Just depends on your altitude and how crispy you want them._ Cecelia:PREGNANT OR NOT??? PLEASE HELP?(31 January 2017) … Continue reading All great times to sit down and eat a bunch of yummy appetizers

My brother is an alcoholic and everyone blames me for being a bad role model to him. How do I get them to stop blaming me?
(30 January 2017)

How do I get them to stop blaming me?
(30 January 2017)

I can't get my Mom into Al-Anon What do I do?
(30 January 2017)

Everyone blames me and interventions have not worked.
(30 January 2017)

Plus I was having a hard time with my Dad's death.
(30 January 2017)

I have told them I would have taken him places more if I could do it again.
(30 January 2017)

I regret not doing more with him as a big brother but I was 20 and not the father.
(30 January 2017)

My Mom and her family all blame me since I didn't look after him more and since I went away for college.
(30 January 2017)

I was 20 and he was 7. Now I am 54 and he is 41 and a really severe alcoholic.
(30 January 2017)

I was fine, I just didn't take care of him everyday after our Dad died.
(30 January 2017)

Today is last day of the year…Have a blast …enjoy

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India //meelp.com/profile/sexysheena Kori:I went to a party last night and everyone was having so much fun dancing and stuff.(30 January 2017) Eura:Is it safe to play with a snake?(30 January 2017) Eura:I’m fascinated by snakes but also afraid at the same time of them to. but sometimes things that are strange and scary [...]

Anyway she kept on getting closer and closer to me everyday and I started to feel weird and get butterflies in my stomach.
(30 January 2017)

She asked me if I'd ever leave her for a guy and I said no.
(30 January 2017)

When I told her I didn't like guys she told me she didn't either.
(30 January 2017)

I wasn't affectionate but I kinda started to trust her and we would hug everyday and just talk about how much we loved each other.
(30 January 2017)

Anyway several years ago I met my best friend Avary and she was really close to me.
(30 January 2017)

I've grown up with girls and all of my friends are mostly girls.
(30 January 2017)

But I just can't really picture myself with a guy.
(30 January 2017)

Hi so I don't really like guys but I do find them cute.
(30 January 2017)

How are you gonna hate on our side of the club?
(30 January 2017)

Would it be possible for a human man and a neanderthal woman to conceive a child?
(30 January 2017)

People crack me up: this guy has a bike for sale and

People crack me up: this guy has a bike for sale and in the ad he lists his telephone number. He states that texting is the way to contact him cause he is the worst at returning phone calls. This is f_ Sophia:I ignore her but that just seems to make her try harder.(31 January 2017) Sophia:I [...]

I cannot trust him and do not love him anymore, but he keeps trying to guilt me into staying.
(30 January 2017)

He told me what I am a selfish coward if I choose to divorce him and break up the parents of our children.
(30 January 2017)

My current husband has been lying to my face and to the counselor for 6 years about his little problem and a woman sent me a video clip of him making explicit videos for her and he tried to lie about that as well.
(30 January 2017)

My husband has a porn addiction and he knows I have 0 tolerance for that, since my 1st husband also did and cheated on me with a female he is now married to.
(30 January 2017)

I'm extremely depressed and ever since I found out I've been bummed :(. What should I do?
(30 January 2017)

There's this guy at my school who I really like and I he likes me back, but today he told my friend that his parents won't let him date me, a black girl.
(30 January 2017)

Now that me and my boyfriend live together it feels like we have nothing to talk about anymore. any suggestions?
(30 January 2017)

But its like we do everything together, whats to tell?
(30 January 2017)

I want to tell him stuff, and talk about it.
(30 January 2017)

Any advise on how to bring up some conversation that isn't something we were both there for?
(30 January 2017)

Monogamy is a form of control

Monogamy is a form of control Maybe I am not alone in my view that being faithful, monogamy, is a form of control. I never was comfortable with the idea that another person could impose limits on_ Breanne:I’m in 8th grade and I really want a girlfriend.(31 January 2017) Latosha:Why is my friend ignoring me all of [...]

How can I ask him to politely leave?
(30 January 2017)

He makes me really uncomfortable and is rude to me and some of my other friends who werent in that group.
(30 January 2017)

This my event that I arranged and I shouldn't have to be the one to take my leave from my own event.
(30 January 2017)

My friends told me that they forgot to give me a heads up and apologized.
(30 January 2017)

He was being weird and creepy and kept following me everywhere last night.
(30 January 2017)

I told them that it s their right to be friends with whomever but, I don't want association with him.
(30 January 2017)

I asked my friends, why is he here and they said they're friends with and they want to hang out him.
(30 January 2017)

It was pretty fun until another group of friend arrived with one of them being my ex.
(30 January 2017)

Yesterday evening, I had a gathering with me and all of my friends.
(30 January 2017)

How to stop hurting over my ex?
(30 January 2017)


i’m sorry. i’m still away in colorado. i’ll be here for the winter. i miss home, but work is great here; especially for the winter. i weighed my options and i decided to stick around for another f_ Dorene:But I ve never had alone time with her either.(31 January 2017) Dorene:She says she never has alone time.(31 [...]

Hey Artemisa? Can I be your friend plz?
(30 January 2017)

I'm not stalking you also, I got the feeling if I met you in real life, we could be bffs. :) And is your name spelled right?
(30 January 2017)

My boyfriend says he doesn t know if he wants this relationship , but he doesn t either want to leave me .?
(30 January 2017)

How can you fake confidence?
(30 January 2017)

Im naturally a shy person and I often get uncomfortable really quick How can I fake it..
(30 January 2017)

Friends with same interests?
(30 January 2017)

Is there any site that categorize people by multiple interests so I can find a friend with same hobbies?
(30 January 2017)

I am looking for friends from different countries.
(30 January 2017)

How to get people to stop asking me to send them my homework?
(30 January 2017)

Please help me come up with excuses i mean i have no problem sending my hw to my friends on whatsapp but then random people in my grade ask me on whatsapp to do that.
(30 January 2017)

Jag f책r aldrig nog av det goda och 채lskar att k채nna mig utfylld av en grov kuk!

Umeå, Sweden //meelp.com/profile/Jezzzy991 Ayesha:At the end of church when I was about to leave my friend invited me to come to a youth group later that day, and as soon as I got there only a few had people had shown up and I saw a really pretty girl there who I’ve never [...]

I am also nothing like my family.
(30 January 2017)

Also, my maternal side is skinny, my paternal side is big and I am curvy.
(30 January 2017)

My maternal sides hair is light brown, my paternal sides hair is blackish grey (their hair becomes grey when they hit puberty, that's weird) and my hair is black without grey.
(30 January 2017)

I don't really look like my family.
(30 January 2017)

I feel like I'm not part of my family.
(30 January 2017)

Kicked out of friend group?
(30 January 2017)

I want to go out and try and find a new group, but I am one of the weirdest most quirky kids in my high school. (I'm in 9th grade) What should I do?
(30 January 2017)

In addition, I am still friends with everyone else pretty much from that group.
(30 January 2017)

Long story short, he doesn't want me in his group anymore.
(30 January 2017)

So I wasn't COMPLETELY kicked out of my friend group, but out group leader and I got into an argument.
(30 January 2017)

Looking for my captain

Lafayette, Colorado //meelp.com/profile/sirensong21 Sydney:My evidence suggests that single Moms are the reason for?(29 January 2017) Sydney:Weak mothering skills, no man around the house to stand tough against any disease.(29 January 2017) Gilda:When a guy sends one or two word text messages it’s a mind game right?!?(29 January 2017) Gilda:It seems like he caught an attitude after [...]

Lets just say ever since this started happening she keeps her distance from me.
(30 January 2017)

There have been times where I will be in the same room as my aunt and they will end up criticizing her and ask her why she doesn't go to the gym like me and workout.
(30 January 2017)

When I walk in a room people are so impressed by how I look.
(30 January 2017)

Then I decided to change my lifestyle back to the way it was when I was in my early 20's.
(30 January 2017)

She would talk behind my back and spread rumors that I was doing drugs and abusing alcohol with bad people.
(30 January 2017)

She jumped at the opportunity to be so critical of me and judgemental.
(30 January 2017)

Then once I got older I gained weight and became more overweight than she was.
(30 January 2017)

I was modeling during this time also and my aunt was overweight.
(30 January 2017)

During this time was when she really kept her distance from me.
(30 January 2017)

I lived in Florida in a condo by the ocean and her brother who is my father paid for it.
(30 January 2017)

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride…_ Rosena:I’m sorry not sorry but I’m specifically looking for a man that is WELL endowed. for me and many women we want more than 5 or 6 inches. so any tips even though I’ll get a lot of haters?(30 January 2017) Lona:I’m a kindergarten teacher and I need help on [...]

Chely - No, I actually don't smile at all.
(30 January 2017)

How should I behave when he stops ignoring me?
(30 January 2017)

How should I behave when he decide to talk to me again (if he ever does)?
(30 January 2017)

I've texted him and he said he'll reach me the next day.. Still nothing.
(30 January 2017)

He is ignoring me while being online on facebook linikg pics.
(30 January 2017)

When I asked for his advice, he said he would be glad to help me but haven't heard from him since then.
(30 January 2017)

He knows I'm also planning to move abroad for the same reason and he offered to help me anytime.
(30 January 2017)

There's a guy firend of mine who is currently living abroad working as a teacher.
(30 January 2017)

People want to be friends with me, despite the fact that I'm an introvert?
(30 January 2017)

Has anyone else ever been the kind of person who is very quiet, lost in their own world and makes no effort to talk to people, yet still has so many people wanting to be friends?
(30 January 2017)

Warm winter!

Looks like a warm winter!!!!_ Gayle:Please do not be rude this is just something I’m trying to figure out.(30 January 2017) Izola:Why are guys ignoring me?(30 January 2017) Izola:The other guy ghosted on our conversation….what is up?(30 January 2017) Izola:One guy hasn’t deleted my friend request but will read my messages without answering.(30 January 2017) Edie:My boyfriend says my vagina [...]

My girlfriend is sleeping :)?
(30 January 2017)

Should I bring her breakfast in bed or cuddle with her?
(30 January 2017)

People make fun of me in college?
(30 January 2017)

Boyfriend ignoring my texts for 3 days, what should I do?
(30 January 2017)

Idk what's up and idk what to do next.
(30 January 2017)

After that I just kinda gave up.
(30 January 2017)

After that I've texted and said good morning but nothing, I got worried but I see that he's been on and off Facebook, yesterday I texted him on Facebook and got nothing.
(30 January 2017)

The last thing he texted me was good night baby I love you.
(30 January 2017)

Things were great, we always text daily when we aren't together, we haven't argued or anything.
(30 January 2017)

Self-inviting friends and acquaintances - how do you handle them and still be civil?
(30 January 2017)

Monday 30 January 2017

Bisexual Lady Whats To Have Her Way…Cum Join Me !!

pittsburgh, Pennsylvania //meelp.com/profile/DemureAndDom Norma:We have been friends for about for months and about a month back we confesses our feelings for each other.(29 January 2017) Hye:She will have a slender, flapper girl’s body shape; a rectangle but will eventually evolve into a pear shape.(29 January 2017) Hye:The girl will have curly caramel hair, dove gray [...]

I don't always have anything to say...and sometimes am just a little more to myself.
(30 January 2017)

To add, this isn't a totally conscious decision I'm making to avoid getting close to people.
(30 January 2017)

I m not great at making friends... When people get to know me, I feel like they start to realize I'm not as great as they'd initially thought.
(30 January 2017)

I am more confused than anything else.
(30 January 2017)

Then she said it's better off if we're friends, that I'm a nice guy, and best of luck.
(30 January 2017)

We kissed (she kissed back), and the next day through phone I told her that the convo the other night about the status of this relationship was good for its honesty.
(30 January 2017)

I said if she needed time, I was open to taking things slow.
(30 January 2017)

I walked her home and we were discussing doing more active dates rather than dinner and just talking.
(30 January 2017)

She said she was looking for a long term relationship, but at the same time she said she had a lot on her plate and wasn t sure if she could balance being in a relationship.
(30 January 2017)

We had a lot of things in common but she wanted to take things slow.
(30 January 2017)

Hiding place

My cock in my red thongs, waiting to be played with😚_ Ophelia:Idk what’s up and idk what to do next.(30 January 2017) Ophelia:After that I just kinda gave up.(30 January 2017) Ophelia:After that I’ve texted and said good morning but nothing, I got worried but I see that he’s been on and off Facebook, yesterday I texted him [...]

I thought Republicans did the same thing to Obama other than maybe the violence of protest part.
(29 January 2017)

Guys, what's your biggest turn on?
(29 January 2017)

My bf says he doesnt watch porn. i think he is telling the truth bc he says it grosses him out. is he telling the truth?
(29 January 2017)

Horrible morning sickness...HELP!?
(29 January 2017)

Trying to hold on the second trimester thats when my first pregnancy calmed down.
(29 January 2017)

Do any mommys have any suggestions?
(29 January 2017)

The doctor had prescribed a nausea medication which doesn't help me at all.
(29 January 2017)

This time around I can't do any of that I can't even take a sip of water without it coming back up.
(29 January 2017)

I was able to eat crackers, suck on some mints & drink tea to soothe it.
(29 January 2017)

My first pregnancy the morning sickness wasn't at all comparable to this.
(29 January 2017)

want loyal man for friend and more

Gardendale, Alabama //meelp.com/profile/lilyrose18777 Ira:There was also this one time I was in the hallway and there was a lot of space in the hallway and he decided to walk right next to me very, very close to where I could feel the warmth of his skin.(29 January 2017) Ira:For example, he was drinking out [...]

But I don't know if I should be mad about this or whatever.
(29 January 2017)

And she was mad at me for being a little upset about it.
(29 January 2017)

Also she said that he makes fun of me to her and she just lets it.
(29 January 2017)

And she also lied about her talking to him so it just makes it more suspicious.
(29 January 2017)

My girlfriend started to text and snap chat her ex boyfriend constantly for the last 6 days.
(29 January 2017)

My boyfriend doesn't want me to drink?
(29 January 2017)

Every time I bring up this topic to him he gets so mad saying he doesn't like seeing me drunk or he doesn't like girls who drink, what should I do?
(29 January 2017)

The problem is my parents let me drink for my 18 birthday with my friends at a hotel which is literally three girls not planning on having guys over.
(29 January 2017)

Before you think any he's very mature for his age and he's really smart.
(29 January 2017)

I been dating my boyfriend for 6 months now, he's younger than me he's 17 and I'm about to turn 18 in a couple of days.
(29 January 2017)

Hey everyone .

Alexandria, Virginia //meelp.com/profile/countrygirl23242 Tiffiny:I’ve read about it and want to give it a try but need some help on how to use it.(28 January 2017) Tiffiny:I went today to my local CVS and got PregPrep.(28 January 2017) Daryl:How do I learn to be alone and stay alone?(28 January 2017) Daryl:I want to learn to be happy [...]

I was heart broken at how cold he had been towards me.
(29 January 2017)

He came over about a month after breaking up.
(29 January 2017)

We ended things in a really sad way.
(29 January 2017)

My boyfriend cheated on me :( !?
(29 January 2017)

Teenage daughter problems? Help?
(29 January 2017)

She like all my children is homeschooled.
(29 January 2017)

My 11 year old daughter used to be very close to me but lately she is irritable and stays in her room all day only coming down to eat and barely speaking.
(29 January 2017)

I like girly names some say princessy that are kind of long.
(29 January 2017)

I never imagined dating would be like this.
(29 January 2017)

I always felt like a complete waste of space when he yelled at me, but i somehow hoped it would get better... guess im really just a stupid girl.
(29 January 2017)

Who says men don’t remember

A couple were Christmas shopping. The shopping center was packed , and as the wife walked through one of the malls she was surprised when she looked around to find that her husband was nowhere to be s_ Imogene:Should I move to California for a girl I met out there?(30 January 2017) Imogene:Am I crazy or stupid [...]

Also on New Years eve, we didn't spend time together either.
(29 January 2017)

I've talked to him about this before I just don't know what to do anymore I love him but this is hurting me.
(29 January 2017)

He hardly ever invites me anywhere with his family, he took me to his cousins hang out twice but after that he's never invited me anywhere.
(29 January 2017)

Ladies, if a coworker asked..?
(29 January 2017)

Despite how you feel about mixing relationships and work?
(29 January 2017)

If a coworker asked for your number, saying that you have a beautiful figure and cute personality, how would you feel?
(29 January 2017)

Why were my grandparents more like siblings?
(29 January 2017)

You never had that feeling that they were a couple they were more like siblings but you could see they loved each other just not affectionate.
(29 January 2017)

They had more a brother & sister relationship attitude than like a married couple.
(29 January 2017)

How can I get pregnant on the rod?
(29 January 2017)

is there such a thing on AFF

“Love between two people so often begins with the exchange of alook! They meet, and the first time they gaze into each other’seyes they feel a pure joy, as if they were drinking crystal-clearwater f_ Maxima:The next week he texted me religiously.(29 January 2017) Maxima:Well the first time I hung out with him we drank and watched [...]

I dated this girl for a while and we broke up like 7 months ago.
(29 January 2017)

I'm a 16 yr old guy and i'm lost.
(29 January 2017)

After break up advice?
(29 January 2017)

Me and her were together for a lil.more than 6 years.
(29 January 2017)

This is my first break up Ive gone through.
(29 January 2017)

I left a month ago and Im still trying to deal with all this.
(29 January 2017)

I was alone, angry, irritated and depressed.
(29 January 2017)

In the 8 months I was in her parents place me and her didnt have sex, kiss, not even hug and she stopped completely being around me.
(29 January 2017)

More time passes by and her mom tells us that we can move into her 2nd house and pay her rent, so we leave our place to find out the house needed A LOT of work done on it.
(29 January 2017)

I start to help her try to find a job but she would get mad, she ended up spending almost everyday with her friend next door and we ended up arguing a lot due to that.
(29 January 2017)

If your not able to give it to me at when I need it don’t message me!

Rockford, Wisconsin //meelp.com/profile/ragii3 Galina:He’s not a jerk and steals them from me or anything, they just gravitate towards him.(28 January 2017) Galina:Every time I show the slightest interest in a girl, she learns about my brother and ends up liking him more.(28 January 2017) Charline:Girls rate me out of 10?(28 January 2017) Janelle:I am schi.. Also… [...]

My 7 year old nephew has lived with us his whole life.
(29 January 2017)

Hello, so my mother is in a big situation.
(29 January 2017)

My children refuse to work or drive a car?
(29 January 2017)

I also refuse and do not want to drive them to get a job.
(29 January 2017)

I am 53 my parents got me driving lessons at 17 and 18 but I refuse to do the same for my kids.
(29 January 2017)

We do not have public transportation where we live in the south.
(29 January 2017)

I have not gotten them driving lessons or taught them how to drive.
(29 January 2017)

I have never gotten them a learners permit, a license or a car.
(29 January 2017)

They refuse to get a job because we live in the south and the closest jobs are 15 miles away in the city they refuse to walk 15 miles to a job and 15 miles back home.
(29 January 2017)

They have never done any high school grades.
(29 January 2017)

If your not able to give it to me at when I need it don’t message me!

Rockford, Wisconsin //meelp.com/profile/ragii3 Galina:He’s not a jerk and steals them from me or anything, they just gravitate towards him.(28 January 2017) Galina:Every time I show the slightest interest in a girl, she learns about my brother and ends up liking him more.(28 January 2017) Charline:Girls rate me out of 10?(28 January 2017) Janelle:I am schi.. Also… [...]

Some dirt got behind my iphone 6s case and scratched my iphone smh.
(29 January 2017)

Why is online dating difficult for men?
(29 January 2017)

I am not worried about it either, I just find it very strange.
(29 January 2017)

It's not like I don't have anything to offer.
(29 January 2017)

Meanwhile, average looking to below average looking women get tons of matches.
(29 January 2017)

For some reason, I barely get any matches.
(29 January 2017)

My pictures are pretty good on the app too.
(29 January 2017)

I live on the water and I love to travel.
(29 January 2017)

I am in a rock band, I work with adults who have developmental disabilities.
(29 January 2017)

I have a very outgoing personality.
(29 January 2017)

NYC at Christmas.. Got to love it..

Ok, the quality of this pic is poor because it was from my BlckBry..Got to love the scenery of the season in NYC. Its Christmas for goodness sake.. Don’t they know it’s not the 4th. of July??W_ Emelina:I noticed a really long chain of messages with (who I’m assuming) is one of her friends that had [...]

I walked in on them kissing and what not but when I went to say something I was speechless.
(29 January 2017)

Ok so earlier today I caught my boyfriend cheating on me.
(29 January 2017)

How can I know that if I'm pregnant?
(29 January 2017)

Hurting so badly right now. HELP!?
(29 January 2017)

I ve never felt this strongly about anyone else.
(29 January 2017)

In addition to being my boyfriend he was my best friend too.
(29 January 2017)

I have to work with him, and he s with someone else now.
(29 January 2017)

It s been weeks since he broke my heart and even I m shocked that my feelings just keep getting worse and worse.
(29 January 2017)

I never thought anyone could break my heart this badly.
(29 January 2017)

My heart is just shattered to pieces.
(29 January 2017)

saw the most beautiful boobs i’ve ever seen on here!

I had to post these beautiful boobs and nipples and areola’s so perfectly sized and colored. wow. what a lucky man you are! i’d be nippling on these every night before i slide into her if she was mine_ Jacqulyn:As we started talking there was a connection between us… I made plans to go visit them [...]

I'm an 8th grade girl in a relationship with a 11th grader?
(29 January 2017)

We agreed to nothing sexual until I turn 18. And we care for eachother very much. (: I'm mature for my age, And hes a very good role model.
(29 January 2017)

Hes 16, I'm about to be 14. We're two years and 3 months apart.
(29 January 2017)

It won't lead me to break up with him, I would just like to see what people think about it.
(29 January 2017)

Hey ((: So my question here, is just for peoples opinions.
(29 January 2017)

Would it be horrible if I just never returned?
(29 January 2017)

I've been there only 3 days and unless I make a wild amount of money I've seen enough to know I've little to no interest in being with them long term.
(29 January 2017)

Is it okay for a boy to wear panties?
(29 January 2017)

I'm a 18 year old guy and I wear girls panties, ranging from all colors and styles, what do you think?
(29 January 2017)

Is there any newer rap or alternative or indie or anything new songs about not being over an ex boyfriend?
(29 January 2017)

Looking for a new friend.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri //meelp.com/profile/Mistyday7774 Katelynn:Obviously immediate family I would get their parent grandparent or someone.(28 January 2017) Monserrate:Are there any girls out there who would want to be in a relationship with someone who records 8 hours a day when I get home from work?(28 January 2017) Nelia:2 weeks pregnant and medications?(28 January 2017) Nelia:Hi.I had [...]

I'd totally let one use me any way she wants.
(29 January 2017)

I'm 17. I like 30-50 year old women a lot.
(29 January 2017)

So I need helpful real answers from adults who understands parents, so I can talk to my parents.
(29 January 2017)

Okay lets update this question, I meant to say I feel like the black Rapunzel whose parents just cut off everything, I was going to go to movies this Sunday, but I can't go now.
(29 January 2017)

Hmm! Da fuq is up with Vittorio?
(29 January 2017)

Why do men try to belittle their spouse? And why are they so controlling? Wanting everything done there way on their timing?!?
(29 January 2017)

Help! My parents say they are going to Homeschool me and block the world off until Trump is out?
(29 January 2017)

So I will miss prom and my friends.
(29 January 2017)

Omg its going to take forever, especially if it last for 8 years.
(29 January 2017)

My parents said the world is dangerous and I should stay inside until Trump presidency is over.
(29 January 2017)

Sunday 29 January 2017


Wow! I haven’t posted in a while. I just been very busy lately and maybe a little lazy to do a post. I’ll probably do a few today._ Latoria:I’m not saying he has a gf, I’m just saying he might have a gf, which makes it even more confusing.(29 January 2017) Latoria:But I’m not sure if they’re [...]

Why does my little sister hate me so much?
(29 January 2017)

Is this a normal relationship with siblings?
(29 January 2017)

I told my mom, but she just thinks that I am over exaggerating.
(29 January 2017)

This has been going on for a few years.
(29 January 2017)

Then fives me the silent treatment when I ask her what she means.
(29 January 2017)

She tells me I point out her every flaw when I ask her why she is mad.
(29 January 2017)

It is like she just hates me so much.
(29 January 2017)

But then, the next minute, she is yelling at me and saying that she hates me.
(29 January 2017)

Sometimes, she is nice, and happy.
(29 January 2017)

She used to get bullied, my mom tells me, but she won't open up to me about it, ever, and she is homeschooled now.
(29 January 2017)

wtf wrong with a boy

mf gonna think he gonna live on my dime n i anit get n a fuck. u damn rite i told a mf if u dont get me the fuck off 2nite i want u thew fuck out. i mean give me a break. 10 yrs younger thought hed h_ Pearlene:Im a 20 year old man, [...]

Bear Guy friend likes me But is afraid to ruin friendship?
(28 January 2017)

What are you guys views on this?
(28 January 2017)

Do you think that he's really afraid of the bond messing up or what?
(28 January 2017)

I just said okay cause I'm scared too.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway he states that he likes me But he's afraid relationship will mess up things because if all goes wrong he will loose everything and he doesnt want me to leave his life.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway we came clean about out feelings and said we like each other but because of our bond it's not all that awkward cause we have open communication.
(28 January 2017)

Everyone says we are a good fit.
(28 January 2017)

We tell each other everything and without a doubt I can say have a very bizarrely weird connection that everyone is starting to realize.
(28 January 2017)

We have alot in common and the weirdest thing is we always feel the same emotional and physical pain I'm feeling at the same time.
(28 January 2017)

Anyway we stood by each other and at the end of the day it's always is to.
(28 January 2017)

solitaria pero caliente

Ciudad La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia //meelp.com/profile/rosaisela_maria Elene:I tried having sex with him to lighten up the mood but he said he wasn t in the mood which i understood.(28 January 2017) Elene:But three days ago we had an argument where he even got me a cab to leave.(28 January 2017) Elene:We ve been intimate [...]

Never thought I would be over this but I am.
(28 January 2017)

Now I'm 34, found a man I love and loves me the same.
(28 January 2017)

Through out the years when I see him he would say hi and it hurt till it didn't hurt anymore.
(28 January 2017)

It hurt but I forced myself to accept I would never have him and I did.
(28 January 2017)

I didn't tell him it was me and he didn't want to know.
(28 January 2017)

A man I loved since I was 14 who said he would wait for me for married and started a family by the time was 18. He didn't even remember what he said.
(28 January 2017)

Is this a real friend?
(28 January 2017)

He understands my quietness and my social anxiety, so is this a true friend, we haven't hanged out yet though.
(28 January 2017)

He yells my name in the hallway and doesn't care who is watching.
(28 January 2017)

When I text him it takes him 2 hours to respond or even a couple days to respond.
(28 January 2017)

having babies

hmm babies an motherhood what a topic hey Well even befor having any gay/trans tendencies i’ve always throught a mans been robbed hey not being able to have the pleasure of another growing in_ Nery:Might as well reply with an uncaring message like everyone on this site.(29 January 2017) Nery:I haven t talked in a conversation with [...]

I want to know if I should tell my guardians.
(28 January 2017)

I can t kill a baby that s not even born yet... I ve talk to the father and he agreed.
(28 January 2017)

I m not getting a abortion it s not right for me to choose whether this child will live or die.
(28 January 2017)

Well I have a crush on him and he likes me too the thing is I had sex with his 16 year old brother and I m pregnant.
(28 January 2017)

So I am friends with this guy he ll be 19 in April and I will be 14 in April.
(28 January 2017)

I have a mutual crush?
(28 January 2017)

What do I do to show my affection?
(28 January 2017)

We agreed to take it slow, what now.
(28 January 2017)

Should I report my friends for marijuana, cigarettes, drinking and other unhealthy habits? Most of us are 13 or 14?
(28 January 2017)

Should I go to the school counselor?
(28 January 2017)

Discovery at the Luau Party

It seemed ironic to him, to go to a luau-themed party in a winter coat, but that was the case. As the boss, he rarely had a chance to hang out with the folks from work. There always had to be that sep_ Khadijah:Idk if this is a bad sign he asked for pics of my [...]

When she found out, she immediately broke up with me, not even giving me a chance to explain myself.
(28 January 2017)

I wasn't faithful, but my cheating was a one-time thing.
(28 January 2017)

And it broke my heart that I wasn't ever able to congratulate her on such a massive accomplishment, since we no longer speak.
(28 January 2017)

She is in her 2nd year of medical school right now.
(28 January 2017)

She's kind, adventurous (in the bedroom and outside), smart, funny, and when we were together, she was the only one who supported my dreams, no matter how far-fetched they were.
(28 January 2017)

She's beautiful, physically a 10, and personality to match.
(28 January 2017)

My ex-girlfriend broke up with me 3 years ago.
(28 January 2017)

I went to my school dance last night and to be more comfortable I danced in my bare feet all night.
(28 January 2017)

What would you do if your boyfriend cried when you saw him naked?
(28 January 2017)

He says no don't look at me, don't look at me.... What would you do?
(28 January 2017)

A froot loop in a bowl of cheerios!

Colorado Springs, Colorado //meelp.com/profile/globetrotter7436 Brett:How do I prevent friends from inviting to themselves to our summer home?(27 January 2017) Brett:Were they brought up with zero manners?(27 January 2017) Brett:They are part of out social circle.(27 January 2017) Brett:Should we just dump these other people?(27 January 2017) Brett:We do invite guests that WE want at the times WE [...]

He is about 15 years older than my age.
(28 January 2017)

I wanted to improve my speaking ability so I did contact a native speaker who advertised in my favorite cafe.
(28 January 2017)

I am 25. I am a graduate student in philosophy.
(28 January 2017)

Forgive my English because I only started to study it four years ago.
(28 January 2017)

My period suppose to come in 8 days more and usually he come in the right date.
(28 January 2017)

And today im seeing not all the sime some pinkish blood and when i wipe i see brown.
(28 January 2017)

Hi im 22 years old last week me and my boyfriend had sex for 3 times.
(28 January 2017)

How do I make my baby's teeth come in faster?
(28 January 2017)

He's teething and hurts and I hate how his mouth has almost no teeth.
(28 January 2017)

I don't see any products in the store that will make his teeth come in fast.
(28 January 2017)

Seeking For My Othef Half

Newark, Delaware //meelp.com/profile/Paula2526 Lakia:Hello, I’m in my mid teens and, I want a girlfriend really badly.(27 January 2017) Magen:What is frustrating you?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Why would a guy lean over your lap to get something?(27 January 2017) Kesha:Like he reached to get something and leaned his upper body over my lap.(27 January 2017) Lea:An online friend told [...]

But we were not necessarily friends.
(28 January 2017)

I am 29. Girl is 30. I know her for a long time. for about 7 years.
(28 January 2017)

My statistics professor, insisted to give me a ride. It was raining, so I accepted. After I sat in his car, he asked, if I have time or not?
(28 January 2017)

He then stopped contacting me.... Please help me, what will be my grade?
(28 January 2017)

I asked him for giving me an A, now I'm worried about my final grade.
(28 January 2017)

Before we arrived home, he hold my hand in the car while he was driving, he kissed me and then I got out.
(28 January 2017)

And then he invited me to a restaurant for dinner.
(28 January 2017)

Girlfriend of 3 years left me now is with another guy?
(28 January 2017)

Why are the so many Indians and slanted eyes cvnts in Australia?
(28 January 2017)

I seriously want to move back to Europe seeing them everywhere here makes me sick.
(28 January 2017)

dirty little secret

Some people want to be some married persons dirty little secret. Some married people are looking for a dirty little secret. I can honestly say it does not appeal to me in the least. People that will l_ Tracey:Wife always takes off shoes in car?(28 January 2017) Tracey:I have asked her to put her shoes back on, [...]

It depends but the doctors said it would really be a lot easier for her to just use a wheelchair full time but she's too stubborn for that.
(28 January 2017)

Some days are worse than others and sometimes she has to walk with crutches or a cane other days she can walk unassisted.
(28 January 2017)

She's had many surgeries and worn all kind of casts and braces down through the years but that's as good as they can fix her legs.
(28 January 2017)

Well my daughter is really shy and walks with a fairly bad limp because the accident broke both her legs really bad.
(28 January 2017)

So it was just my daughter and I for years so we're very close and she'll always be my little girl.
(28 January 2017)

When the accident happened my sons had already moved out they were 20 and 18 at the time.
(28 January 2017)

My wife passed away but my daughter survived with a lot of broken bones.
(28 January 2017)

When my daughter was eleven her and my wife were in an accident caused by a drunk driver.
(28 January 2017)

I have one daughter and two sons.
(28 January 2017)

Should I be shot?
(28 January 2017)

power tools as sex toys ? oh yes baby!!

ok note: rule #1 creative sex toys with power tools my favorite is a car buffer.. buff on your bare naked apple bottom only.. crazy vibration . soft polishing pad. twisted wool & synthetic 4-pl_ Talia:But I don’t know how to ask him.(28 January 2017) Talia:I want to sleep naked with my dad because I want to [...]

Why does my ex gf still check my social media? Does it mean she still possibly cares?
(28 January 2017)

Son vomits when he doesn't get his way?
(28 January 2017)

We don't have money for a doctor's visit, is there any advice out there to get our son to stop?
(28 January 2017)

His diet is almost all junk food now because that's all he will eat.
(28 January 2017)

We can't get him to brush his teeth (doesn't want to do it) and we've stopped taking him shopping because we have to get him toys otherwise he vomits in the store.
(28 January 2017)

It's gotten to the point where his mother and I give-in to his demands to avoid him throwing up because he's becoming thin and frail from all the purging.
(28 January 2017)

He probably throws up twice a day on average.
(28 January 2017)

He has thrown up in toy stores because he was told he couldn't get a toy, in restaurants for having to eat veggies, and regularly at home for other things.
(28 January 2017)

My son has developed a habit of vomiting every time his mother or I make him do things he doesn't want to do.
(28 January 2017)

Girls, what should I say?
(27 January 2017)

quero sexo de verdade e não imitações

Curitiba, Parana, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/glauciapimenta Kimberli:Then she’ll come in and they ignore me to go talk to her.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:In our homeroom me and the boys will talk and be laughing.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:And talk a lot until she comes around.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:Me and the boys are good friends.(27 January 2017) Kimberli:And the boys are always [...]

He already knows how I feel about it and wants her in his life and I don t.
(28 January 2017)

Should I just accept it and pretend it doesn t bother me?
(28 January 2017)

To me, he cares more than he should for her and idk what to do.
(28 January 2017)

And he says she s a good friend and comforts him when he needs it which I m not okay with either.
(28 January 2017)

Me or her and he wouldn t chose.
(28 January 2017)

I asked him to stop being friends with her because I m not okay with it and it got to the point where I asked him to chose.
(28 January 2017)

And whenever I said something mean about her ( I know her in person and really don t like her ) he would get really defensive.
(28 January 2017)

He said he doesn t talk to her anymore and I asked him to delete her phone number and he refused to and said he wants to be there for her if she ever had a life or death situation.
(28 January 2017)

His ex has diabetes and so his exscuse for caring for her is that he cares if she s alive or not.
(28 January 2017)

So my boyfriend told me he still cares about his ex gf who he dated on and on for a year or so.
(28 January 2017)

Saturday 28 January 2017


São Paulo, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Candicebr Sheri:I so wish my husband would look for new work, but he thinks this is fine.(27 January 2017) Sheri:On top of it all, his boss is a very manipulative man and is trying to make my husband into his best friend and calls him late at night and on his [...]

Mike and I are back to being friends after about a month and things are starting to get less awkward, which is very good.
(27 January 2017)

I was with a guy and then I broke up with him, lets say his name is Mike, and he got very upset about it.
(27 January 2017)

Nickname for Catherine?
(27 January 2017)

I feel like someone is watching me all the time?
(27 January 2017)

How do I deal with a pregnant, cranky wife?
(27 January 2017)

She still working and pleasant most of the time but when she's tired she hates to be bothered.
(27 January 2017)

Lately she been very tired and cranky almost to the point she doesn't want to cook and dreading to go buy the groceries.
(27 January 2017)

My wife is 9 months pregnant with our first child she is 37 weeks to be exact.
(27 January 2017)

How do I act normal at work tomorrow? My grandpa died yesterday and I'm afraid I will cry or rage at work. I'm so lost?
(27 January 2017)

I feel like I'll never be able to get past it.
(27 January 2017)

My big tits

My big tits_ Vannessa:I stopped and asked if she was okay and she said that she was sad because she didn’t want to do it.(28 January 2017) Vannessa:In the middle of the act she burst into tears, and the deeper I went the more she cried.(28 January 2017) Vannessa:I am 43 and I had sex with this 19 [...]

It is harmless at their ages?
(27 January 2017)

Everything seemed alright with the boys and her playing together in her undies.
(27 January 2017)

Staci told me that Brittini wants to play in her nylon briefs cause she finds them comfortable.
(27 January 2017)

The boys did not go over there but later Brittini came over with Mom in her sweatshirt and white underpants.
(27 January 2017)

She was half naked only wearing her panty as bottoms and it was many spanks.
(27 January 2017)

I've seen her get spanks outside when she would not listen but this was quite different.
(27 January 2017)

Soon after I got there I took a book over to give to Brittani's Mother Staci yet I turn around and sent the boys home when I seen in their house that Brittani was laying over her Daddy lap getting what a spanking.
(27 January 2017)

Brittani is seven like my oldest boy (my youngest is 6) This may not be a problem and really why would it be?
(27 January 2017)

I doubt the reason is that she is very very pretty.
(27 January 2017)

They like to vist more now cause their is a little girl their age who moved in next door.
(27 January 2017)


I don’t know why but I keep feeling the need to remind people that I don’t expect anything from anyone, but because I’m honest and direct and straight forward it’s best that everyone believe what I sa_ Ivey:I’m not even sure if I ever liked him or if it was a way to get over my [...]

Lost my virginity and I don't know how to feel..?
(27 January 2017)

This all happened yesterday btw and it all lasted less than 5 but I can't exactly say that I'm disappointed because I didn't know it was going to happen.
(27 January 2017)

I was really wet and I think that's why.
(27 January 2017)

The whole experience didn't hurt at all just a lot of pressure.
(27 January 2017)

I asked him if he had a condom on but he promised not to finish inside and he kept that promise.
(27 January 2017)

I also said that we could have sex in the future and he were talking about it for a month.
(27 January 2017)

He didn't really ask me but in all fairness I lied to him and said that I had two sexual partners before.
(27 January 2017)

But then I could see both his hands and could feel more pressure inside than just fingers.
(27 January 2017)

I thought he was just going to finger me even after he told me to bend over.
(27 January 2017)

So yesterday I lost my virginity at school when school was finished.
(27 January 2017)

Here for a good time, not a long time

Brandon, Manitoba, Canada //meelp.com/profile/rekre404 Shelli:He hasn’t asked to hangout this week?!?!?!?(27 January 2017) Shelli:So I’ve been talking to this guy for quite a while now, we hang out every Friday evening he’s usually the one who asks if we are going to be able to see each other.(27 January 2017) Porsha:Women- Do these sound like [...]

We talk about passions, dreams, but also generic random stuff like movies and music.
(27 January 2017)

Now may this be just being friendly but as i suck at signal reading i just wanna be sure :). Unlike with the others, when we talk we really try to get to know each other.
(27 January 2017)

When we had to split up she preferred us drawing together.
(27 January 2017)

When walking to a drawing location we always walk together, talking.
(27 January 2017)

In the group there is this girl, nerdy (in the good way) and very pretty, that im interested in.
(27 January 2017)

For the last week ive beek following a two week drawing course.
(27 January 2017)

How to ask your parents for a last minute favour?
(27 January 2017)

If women could knock up men, would you feel proud if you got your male partner pregnant?
(27 January 2017)

Would you like that he was carrying your baby in his belly?
(27 January 2017)

Opinions on feminine baby names... For example Eden Rose Riley Rose.... Last name Breaux pronounced bro....?
(27 January 2017)

Low key, looking for fun and flirting.

Dover, Delaware //meelp.com/profile/VoluptuousTart Louetta:How to comfort a guy who has completely given up on what makes him happy?(26 January 2017) Louetta:He’s very strong and hides his feelings, but I know he’s crushed.(26 January 2017) Louetta:I worry about him, and I want to comfort him in some way, but he’s never around besides class anymore.(26 January [...]

I am getting a divorce after 1.5 years of marriage.
(27 January 2017)

Do you agree with me or my bf?
(27 January 2017)

I'm just not sure if I can continue on feeling this way.
(27 January 2017)

I do love him with all my heart, he has a great personality and makes me laugh when laughing is the last thing I could think to do.
(27 January 2017)

I believe I started depending all my happiness on someone who couldn't care less about me and constantly feel unsatisfied by this.
(27 January 2017)

I take great pride in my physique and used to get loads of attention before I was with him and that's when I began to isolate myself and take a break from social media and all the online friends I had made.
(27 January 2017)

I'm not sure if this is important but I'm not attracted to him physically in the slightest bit.
(27 January 2017)

Alongside this he has molested a girl before and cheated on a past girlfriend.
(27 January 2017)

Whilst my boyfriend is a high school drop out, with no job (lives with parents), and all he does is smoke weed, play video games all day, and procrastinate his art dreams.
(27 January 2017)

We live a state away (2 hr drive) apart and have never met - he's 21 and I'm 17. I have maintained perfect grades all throughout high school in AP courses and am planning on going to college and seeking a job.
(27 January 2017)

Funny Pic

All big tits are awesome!_ Fairy:Now he tries to talk to me more and he is very kind to me.(27 January 2017) Fairy:A month ago I saw him being really depressed and not taking care of himself, it looked like he was going through a break up.(27 January 2017) Fairy:But I am very shy so I rarely have [...]

I have a couple of ex boyfriends who seriously broke my heart - one cheated on me, one lied a lot and ghosted me, and another one said some really hurtful things to me during our break up.
(27 January 2017)

Why does my friend act different?
(27 January 2017)

Is it weird that I am turned off by my husband ever since he became a vegetarian?
(27 January 2017)

And honestly it just seems a little effeminate that he won't tear through a steak like he used to.
(27 January 2017)

It's no longer a fun shared experience.
(27 January 2017)

It's just that mealtime is so annoying anymore.
(27 January 2017)

He doesn't bug me about eating meat or anything like that.
(27 January 2017)

If a child who is 12 years old runs away, what should parents do?
(27 January 2017)

My parents are hesitant to call the police because of our legal status here in the US.
(27 January 2017)

I'm 15 and don't really know how to help my parents.
(27 January 2017)

She’s my pumpkin pie…. sweet pumpkin pie!!!!

For just a moment, let me echo H’s thoughts she posted yesterday. I don’t know the specific area, or anyone involved, but I have had the pleasure of visiting her hometown on many occasions. It is a be_ Doreatha:At my last scan a couple days ago it was 145. 156 to 145 seems like a big [...]

Should I ask him to grab a bite next week?
(27 January 2017)

How often does a girl shave their leg ? Im 14 btw and i shaved my leg once and now i m afraid to shave my leg ?
(27 January 2017)

Why don t any girls like me at all?
(27 January 2017)

I just don t understand why Ive been ignored since day 1.
(27 January 2017)

If she likes me, why would she ignore my last couple of posts?
(27 January 2017)

I m to the point where I m ready to give up completely because nobody gives a care about me and I m so stinkin tired of being ignored.
(27 January 2017)

Now, I ve been ignored the past couple days.
(27 January 2017)

There was this girl that liked almost every one of my photos on instagram the past couple of weeks.
(27 January 2017)

I wish somebody would just tell me what they hate about me and why.
(27 January 2017)

I m NOT suicidal but I m stressed that nobody has one stinkin feeling for me at all.
(27 January 2017)

Sedutora e Sensual

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Ursula_Love_ Jung:Should I name her Emily?(26 January 2017) Jung:So should I just give up on the name?(26 January 2017) Jung:I mean, I wouldn’t want my kids named after my Ex.(26 January 2017) Jung:I never met the girl, but I understand.(26 January 2017) Jung:But now all I can think is, yeah [...]

HERE'S JOHNNY!: What words would you use to describe these acts?
(27 January 2017)

She makes jokes about killing and raping babies.
(27 January 2017)

A girl, when she was little she used to torture insects by cutting them up and trapping them taunting them with escape.
(27 January 2017)

Men who like My Little Pony, you must get all the ladies?
(27 January 2017)

Is dating a Rumanian woman most certainly A WASTE OF TIME for serious men who avoid gold diggers?
(27 January 2017)

Okay I want everyone's opinion ... What do you all think of Karin in the bacholer?
(27 January 2017)

I personally don't like her but what about the rest of you?
(27 January 2017)

My parents have not once ever hugged me in my life. I try to hug them and they pull away like it's awkward. How do I get them to hug me?
(27 January 2017)

Like on Christmas as kids my parents would not open gifts with us rather they go back to bed while we opened our gifts.
(27 January 2017)

My two siblings have never been hugged either or told that they are loved.
(27 January 2017)

Tuesday? What happened to Monday???

Ever have a day like that? Look at the calendar and figure its one day but its not! Its actually a day later??? Woooo….that is very disconcerting !! Hence today! I woke up all prepared for a Monday_ Tressa:An online friend told me theyre 13 but now they are 31 what do i do ??????please help [...]

So im 18 and leaving school in 2 months.I have a sports instructor that comes into my school twice a week.Hes 40 & He used to be my sports coach when I was 16. I done a 15 week outdoor course with him.
(27 January 2017)

My girlfriend pushes me away when I'm affectionate :(?
(27 January 2017)

Like if I try to cuddle next to her on the couch she pushes me off and goes upstairs :( And if I try to kiss her she says she doesn't deserve a kiss from me and goes away What should I do?
(27 January 2017)

He wouldn't get off of me and when I was trying to push him off he was restraining my arms.
(27 January 2017)

So my boyfriend has a virus called molluscum and we have been holding off of sex because it's sexually transmitted last night he started kissing me and got on top of me and I told him no and to get off of me.
(27 January 2017)

My friend tied me up?
(27 January 2017)

I was super uncomfertable and went home.
(27 January 2017)

Then I try to say please untie me but im gagged, he leaves the room for 15 minutes idk why then comes back calm and unties me but makes me keep the gag in.
(27 January 2017)

Then he places me in a dining room chair and comes back with a roll oftape and tapes me to the chair then he puts a balled up sock in my mouth and tapes around it.
(27 January 2017)

I was at his house last night chilling, and were friends since 9 and now were 16 in high school. (im blonde girl hes a guy and hes kinda cute) he gets up and goes you trust me right and i go yeah.
(27 January 2017)

An Update of Sorts…

Okay…I haven’t been writing much but lots has been happening. Issues with the ex. Issues at my job. Ya know. Life issues. Ones that I cannot really speak of here (legal reasons and shit). Maybe the_ Joselyn:He was not a role model but still it is my brother.(27 January 2017) Joselyn:My brother who died was in and [...]

I cheated on my ex boyfriend and i do not regret it at all is that normal?
(27 January 2017)

I think that it was necessary for me to cheat , would you agree?
(27 January 2017)

And it never would have happened had I not gone to that party.
(27 January 2017)

We fell in love within a month.Fast-forward to today almost two years later he and I have moved to Australia and will undoubtedly be spending the rest of our lives together.
(27 January 2017)

I kept my hickies covered, broke up with my boyfriend that night with no explanation (trust me, he didn't deserve it), and went on my first date with the other guy two days later.
(27 January 2017)

He made the first move and before I knew it he was driving me home at 9 a.m., both of us covered in hickies, and me with about 10 missed calls and 20 texts.
(27 January 2017)

My study-abroad guy and I stayed up the entire night playing beer pong, cracking jokes, and reminiscing on old times until the party had closed down, and we moved to his room.
(27 January 2017)

I turned my phone off and decided to deal with my boyfriend in the morning.
(27 January 2017)

We ended up hanging out for the next hour having the best time.
(27 January 2017)

Right after arriving, I ran into an awesome, fun guy I had studied abroad with the previous summer.
(27 January 2017)


HAPPY NATIONAL ORGASM DAY_ Elisabeth:Speaking to the girl I like?(27 January 2017) Joselyn:My brother died of a drug overdose yesterday. I don’t know how to act or behave. What should I do?(27 January 2017) Joselyn:I live near my parents so can come and go and am single.(27 January 2017) Joselyn:All my mother’s underlying grudges and problems are coming out [...]

So recently i met someone who at first didn't think i would make a connection with.
(27 January 2017)

Most embarrassing thing happened...how do I recover?
(27 January 2017)

I'm so embarrassed to even look at him, I have another session on Saturday, please tell me what to do.
(27 January 2017)

No one else saw apart from him, but he walked away and I haven't spoken to him since.
(27 January 2017)

I was at basketball training in London last Wednesday as usual, and my coach was showing me a good throwing technique when I breathed out too hard snot came out of my nose.
(27 January 2017)

How should ypu react to a bully at school?
(27 January 2017)

Will I get suspended?
(27 January 2017)

For throwing saw dust at my friends face?
(27 January 2017)

Will I get suspended if I threw saw dust at some bodies face?
(27 January 2017)

Could i be expelled So what happened was my friend Poland said he was gonna sneak saw dust of out of our school woodshop.
(27 January 2017)

Let me start out by asking you what initially attracted you to doing stories in book form

Patrick McDonnell, on the other hand, continues to devise new outlets for his restless creativity. Picture books are so similar to comic strips. Growing up I was a big fan of comics. Whether it was in comics or whether it was in picture books, it was just something that attracted me._ Nora:OK so I like … Continue reading "Let me start out by asking you what initially attracted you to doing stories in book form"

18 yr old ladies, what would you like as a gift from.?
(27 January 2017)

I was 18 about ten years ago, so I am thinking a handbag or some make up?
(27 January 2017)

Your uncle s girlfriend you're meeting for the first time?
(27 January 2017)

Was I rejected? should I wait or move on?
(27 January 2017)

How can I get the courage to talk to my crush?
(27 January 2017)

Help! crush going out with another girl?
(27 January 2017)

I'm ugly and VERY short now i don't know what to do they are in my classes everyday and it's painfull.
(27 January 2017)

Was it because i didn't show that i liked him because i'm shy or does he really like this girl.
(27 January 2017)

He sometimes moves closer then talks to me he says hi and asks me questions like are u my friend and should i sing. he flirts with this other girl but ik that he doesn't like her.
(27 January 2017)

He always pretends to fight his friends and laugh when i'm around.
(27 January 2017)

Friday 27 January 2017

Quer arder???

Sao Salvador, Bahia, Brazil //meelp.com/profile/Ademonia Louann:We hanged out a couple times and he was very sweet and nice, always hugged me and kissed me on the head.(26 January 2017) Louann:We were together for 2 years and a half. 2 months he left but he kept texting me and I ignored him.(26 January 2017) Gladis:Why did [...]

How can I stop having wet dreams?
(26 January 2017)

I have been sleeping in loose clothing, aka boxers, to prevent friction, but that still isnt working.
(26 January 2017)

Does anyone have any advice for doing that?
(26 January 2017)

Now in January, I have been talking to this girl, and we plan on having sex, but like 3 times a week I have been ejaculating during my sleep, obviously uncontrollably, and I want that to stop.
(26 January 2017)

I was having sex with my girlfriend all of 2016, but we had broken up in November.
(26 January 2017)

This post will be a bit graphic, so fair warning.
(26 January 2017)

Is it OK to name your child Baby?
(26 January 2017)

I'm pregnant and want to name her Baby because I think it's a cute name.
(26 January 2017)

Whats going on with my friend and me?
(26 January 2017)

He has an awesome personality, and we share a lot of the same intrests.
(26 January 2017)

This case could be totally unrelated to the Gilgo Beach murders

Police confirmed the woman had died recently, but they have not yet identified her or any suspects. He likes to dump them in or near bodies of water, and tends to wrap the remains in plastic or place them in containers. Moses was ordered to be held without bail._ Laila:We’ve been together 5 months and … Continue reading "This case could be totally unrelated to the Gilgo Beach murders"

I want to know when I should ask her out.
(26 January 2017)

She s not TOO popular but obviously has more friends than me.
(26 January 2017)

So here s the deal: I m pretty unpopular...don t really have that many friends.
(26 January 2017)

I think having a gf would brighten me up a lot.
(26 January 2017)

I mainly want a gf to escape my troubles at home, since I don t really have a good relationship with my parents.
(26 January 2017)

I m 15 and a freshmen and I think it s time for me to start dating.
(26 January 2017)

We haven t talked at all, In fact I don t even know her name.but I do know that she has a pretty cool personality and is cute.
(26 January 2017)

The problem is thought is that she thinks nothing of me, or atleast I think she does.
(26 January 2017)

There s this one girl in one of my classes that I really have a crush on.
(26 January 2017)

My question is could I be pregnant?
(26 January 2017)

This gets evident right from the onset and continues to do so with every page that you turn

To those who know what a vadapav is, your tongue would have a neat number done on it already with the mere mention of the word. Easily accessible and similarly easy on the pocket, vadapav has carved for itself a niche in the food industry. His earnestness in sharing what he thinks might be of … Continue reading "This gets evident right from the onset and continues to do so with every page that you turn"

So I hired one and she filed for the same plus alimony.
(26 January 2017)

So I filed it myself she went out and got a lawyer who filed for custody and child support and that I pay for her fees.
(26 January 2017)

And we were in Florida, I decided time came to file for divorce.
(26 January 2017)

I begged to work on us for a long time.
(26 January 2017)

We were married for 8 years, she was hired for a job in which she abandoned me and our kids for 2 years.
(26 January 2017)

Should I tell my Mother of this?
(26 January 2017)

So the lil jerk seen Rebecca across Mom's lap the whole time she got spanked which was a couple minutes.
(26 January 2017)

Steven can never see my sisters in her briefs cause skorts have shorts sewed in.
(26 January 2017)

Rebecca is in 3rd grade and yesterday after getting home from school she got spanked with her skort off.
(26 January 2017)

He told his friend John who has a crush on Rebecca for a few dollars that he could see our sisters in her underpants when she get's a spanking.
(26 January 2017)