Saturday 28 January 2017

An Update of Sorts…

Okay…I haven’t been writing much but lots has been happening. Issues with the ex. Issues at my job. Ya know. Life issues. Ones that I cannot really speak of here (legal reasons and shit). Maybe the_ Joselyn:He was not a role model but still it is my brother.(27 January 2017) Joselyn:My brother who died was in and [...]

I cheated on my ex boyfriend and i do not regret it at all is that normal?
(27 January 2017)

I think that it was necessary for me to cheat , would you agree?
(27 January 2017)

And it never would have happened had I not gone to that party.
(27 January 2017)

We fell in love within a month.Fast-forward to today almost two years later he and I have moved to Australia and will undoubtedly be spending the rest of our lives together.
(27 January 2017)

I kept my hickies covered, broke up with my boyfriend that night with no explanation (trust me, he didn't deserve it), and went on my first date with the other guy two days later.
(27 January 2017)

He made the first move and before I knew it he was driving me home at 9 a.m., both of us covered in hickies, and me with about 10 missed calls and 20 texts.
(27 January 2017)

My study-abroad guy and I stayed up the entire night playing beer pong, cracking jokes, and reminiscing on old times until the party had closed down, and we moved to his room.
(27 January 2017)

I turned my phone off and decided to deal with my boyfriend in the morning.
(27 January 2017)

We ended up hanging out for the next hour having the best time.
(27 January 2017)

Right after arriving, I ran into an awesome, fun guy I had studied abroad with the previous summer.
(27 January 2017)

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