Thursday 26 January 2017

¿Quien tiene más éxito con los orgasmos en compañÍa? Casados, lesbianas, casadas ….

Un estudio del la cantidad de orgasmos depende tanto del género como de la orientación sexual y que, ante todo, las mujeres solteras son las que tienen menos probabilidades de experimentar uno. reve_ Janise:Buy her something (Whether big or small) or don t get her anything at all?(26 January 2017) Janise:Every time I buy her something she [...]

If your partner continuously makes you sad, then is that considered emotional abuse?
(25 January 2017)

She says she's happy, but I can see that she's sad. :( Is he abusing her?
(25 January 2017)

He's very confusing, and I think that his flashy charm is keeping her beside him.
(25 January 2017)

He continuously demeans her, but he also can be funny and nice at the same time.
(25 January 2017)

I'm trying to help a friend out who I think is in a bad relationship.
(25 January 2017)

Okay so there's this boy I like and I don't think his mom likes me.
(25 January 2017)

Overly affectionate hubby?
(25 January 2017)

How do I ask him to tone it down without scaring him away and having him stop altogether?
(25 January 2017)

I think it's cute but sometimes he does it too much.
(25 January 2017)

He cuddles me a lot, he kisses me a lot and he likes caressing me, he also says I love you at least 3 times a day and it'll be at the most random moments like if I'm doing laundry or cleaning which I don't understand.
(25 January 2017)

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