Sunday 5 February 2017

a landscape moment

The desert is a jagged band of lava and sagetangled in beautya lover’s embracebound with tongue and fingersto an idea of somethingsafe, sacred, simple_ Louetta:She’s always been in my English class but I’ve never spoken to her until now.(2 February 2017) Louetta:Okay so there is this girl that I had just met 2 days ago.(2 February 2017) Delilah:Does [...]

Please help me make a decision until is too late.
(4 February 2017)

I want to let go off him so he can enjpoy life with someone closer to his age and have children, but he is not ready to let go.
(4 February 2017)

I never thought I could find myself in such a situation.
(4 February 2017)

Initially I kept him at a distance for as long as I could but as time went by I started having feelings for him too.
(4 February 2017)

I met this young man due to my main activity which is fine arts (we are both illustrators). He fell in love with me deeply.
(4 February 2017)

Girls: Have you ever cancelled a date because of something the guy said between the day he asked you out and the day of the date?
(4 February 2017)

Should i ask my girlfriend if she wants to do something on valentimes day?
(4 February 2017)

Is my friend going crazy?
(4 February 2017)

She told me she hears voices such as a baby crying, a lady screaming. when she was describing this she was telling me she s not crazy and knowing her I know she cant be going crazy like this.
(4 February 2017)

My friend told me that she sees this tall, dark, suited man smiling at her when she s alone.
(4 February 2017)

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